Dear Julja,
° If you are an adherent of the ACLU, NOW, Lambda, Jewish Defense League, Free Willie Association, or the Church of the Cow, you will already have seen Moolaadé.
° If, however, you are a cardcarrying member of The Unitary SozialDemokratikRepublikal Party, The Holy Catholick Apostlibled and AntiMarian Church, the American Guild of Amateur Surgeons, or the GREENPETASIS Antiinsectivore Council (poor little cockroaches!), you wouldn’t need to see it, you were in the supporting cast.
° If you are an adherent of the ACLU, NOW, Lambda, Jewish Defense League, Free Willie Association, or the Church of the Cow, you will already have seen Moolaadé.
° If, however, you are a cardcarrying member of The Unitary SozialDemokratikRepublikal Party, The Holy Catholick Apostlibled and AntiMarian Church, the American Guild of Amateur Surgeons, or the GREENPETASIS Antiinsectivore Council (poor little cockroaches!), you wouldn’t need to see it, you were in the supporting cast.
° Female genital mutilation, cioè, the nonsterile excision, by amateur female practitioners, of prepubescent girls’ clitorides.
° The equivalent not of our own barbaric circumcision of males, but of whacking off the glans penis itself: if the boy survived haemorrhage, infection, and urethral scarblockage, he could still become a potent top, he just couldn’t get enough pleasurable feedback to make topping worth his while.
° Six little girls escape from their Purifiers, a sorority of Devils with a Red Dress On. Four ask sanctuary of Collé Ardo, who some years back refused to allow her own daughter to be purified. Collé invokes the protection of a preJudaeoChristianIslamic Daemon, Moolaadé, whom even the most devout of the village dare not offend.
° And then the story unfolds.
° An unlikely act of heroism . . . .
° Gummintsponsored murder . . . .
° A likely act of heroism . . . .
° Triumph!
° Exeunt omnes adhuc vivae, singing and dancing . . . .
° If the little girls themselves hadn’t protested, no Moolaadé.
° If a charismatic leader hadn’t been at hand, Collé, no Moolaadé.
° If the Grand Imam had supported the oppressors, no Moolaadé.
° If radio hadn’t opened the women’s minds to the possible, no Moolaadé.
° If the women hadn’t made common cause behind Collé, no Moolaadé.
° If the women hadn’t known the difference between burning a bra and being burnt at the stake, the Moolaadé himself would’ve wasted away with AIDS.
° Manifestations by the hundreds of thousands, day after day after Ukrainian day.
° That’s what it takes for a braburning Cause.
° Suing they ass off over and over and Tort Court over till some Justice finds for Lawrence against Texas, Jesus’s widow importuning the slacktitted judge.
° That’s what it takes, for a serious Cause.
° Nonviolent MartinLutherKinglike civil disobedience, jailed night after night after Mississippi night, then lynched by the State Troopers and buried beneath an earthen dam.
° That’s what it takes for a burnatthestake Cause.
° And anybody anywhere who thinks he can bribe Congress into honesty, frighten Devil Republican with Witch Democrat, Moolaadise Oppression all by his Gary Cooper lonesome self some fine morning--well he she or it’d be better off joining you and me for afternoon tea.
° I’m serving fresh Sri Lankan Pasticceria Messicana sandals and strong green. Warm, irradiated Euromilk if you so choose.
° Were you ever mutilated as a child?
° I was, twice.
° You can still hear echoes in Sandy’s fleur-de-lis room at the b&b of fiveyearold me screaming like a little girl fixing to have her clitoris excised by some brutish religiondraped Devilwoman. For once upon a time I caught my left thumbnail in a closing door. The nail was quite some puckered, the flesh livid. And it was judged best to pull all the nail off bit by bit, loose nail and intact nail, clear down to the root, "so it would grow back right." Well it did grow back right, can’t argue with success.
° And as for sexual mutilation--well, it used to be sound hygiene for our nurses, after bathing and towelling us dry, to masturbate boychildren till the foreskin could be retracted, then apply vaseline to the glans, then return the foreskin to position. Just as it used to be sound practise for nurses to ease infant howling with masturbation, paregoric, or a sugartit. I pray the Moolaadé, Iddio God, la Guadalupe, and all the Italic Saints to strike me dead if I’m making this up.
° Well, here I am, apparently it’s true.
° Sometime, when I was four or five, the foreskin began to be too tight, don’t ask me why, I’m not Dr. Ruth, I’m not even Dr. Kinsey. So I was taken to Dr. J------’s for a partial circumcision. Very partial, no fear of Hitler.
° But without so much as an aspirin, it did smart.
° Setting the kettle to boil this very instant, Giac.
P.S. And as for Hotel Rwanda--if Stalin’s 20,000,000 and Hitler’s 6,000,000 didn’t disgust the human race, what hope had 1,000,000 Tutsis and Hutus?