°°° My little cousin, astonished at the selfishness of the Healthcare Haves directed towards the Healthcare Haven'ts, proposes a solution. A solution the Rich Folks wouldn't like at all. It is as if he hates his betters.
°°° No use my hating the Rich, I don't know but two of them, unless you count F T. I call "rich" someone who can count on the income from an estate of at least $100,000,000. And even then, I may be lowering the cut-off a bit much. Grandma Agnelli, with a pension of 700,000-odd euro the month, for life, plus, I suppose, a palace or two thrown in--Grandma Agnelli I call rich. She doesn't have to trouble herself with the family business, the checks clear, a million bucks a month.
°°° I wish her well.
°°° And no, I don't hate the Rich Folks.
°°° First of all, I was brought up Francescan. That means that I think a banquet is 1500 calories of firm but still chewable pugliese bread, and the day's nutritional balance made up in local ripe olives so abundant nobody else has wanted them. A feast is the same, except the bread doesn't have so much sandy grit ground into the wheat that it makes my teeth sore.
°°° Possessions enslave. Even benign possessions enslave by symbiosis. It's not just a Truthy Truism, it's Truly True. Slaves are forever getting under foot, not to mention their spitting in our lemonade behind our backs.
°°° Second, Do Not They Bleed, If We Prick 'em? Don't Rich Folks die? Don't they be dreadful parents? Don't they grow old and have to stuff their faces with cow goo, till their eyebrows climb halfway up their foreheads? Don't they make fools of themselves over slimy married jerks? Don't they snort the coke just to get through the day? And F T even has to work, like Anna Wintour.
°°° Third, the wealth of the Rich Folks doesn't amount to a hill of beans. Suppose Bill Gates got religion, and distributed his entire wealth to his grateful and worthy fellow citizens. If Microsoft is in a bubble, he has $60,000,000,000 to spread around. If Microsoft has had the air squeezed out, he has $30,000,000,000, a wife, chirren, and a palace or two. He can keep the wife, the chirren, and the palace, nobody else wants them.
°°° But, 300,000,000 American citizens dividing $30,000,000,000. Yes folks, that's only 2 zeros extra.
°°° 2.
°°° Ergo, each of us grateful and worthy fellow Americans would receive a fabulous legacy of $100. One time. Then Bill Gates would have nothing, except the wife chirren and palace, and how would he pay the heat bill? And after one trip to the grocery store, the entire body of worthy and grateful fellow Americans would have nothing too.
°°° I guess you really have to be a selfmade trillionaire, like Bernanke, S. p. A., to have a red cent nowadays.--Giac.
°°° No use my hating the Rich, I don't know but two of them, unless you count F T. I call "rich" someone who can count on the income from an estate of at least $100,000,000. And even then, I may be lowering the cut-off a bit much. Grandma Agnelli, with a pension of 700,000-odd euro the month, for life, plus, I suppose, a palace or two thrown in--Grandma Agnelli I call rich. She doesn't have to trouble herself with the family business, the checks clear, a million bucks a month.
°°° I wish her well.
°°° And no, I don't hate the Rich Folks.
°°° First of all, I was brought up Francescan. That means that I think a banquet is 1500 calories of firm but still chewable pugliese bread, and the day's nutritional balance made up in local ripe olives so abundant nobody else has wanted them. A feast is the same, except the bread doesn't have so much sandy grit ground into the wheat that it makes my teeth sore.
°°° Possessions enslave. Even benign possessions enslave by symbiosis. It's not just a Truthy Truism, it's Truly True. Slaves are forever getting under foot, not to mention their spitting in our lemonade behind our backs.
°°° Second, Do Not They Bleed, If We Prick 'em? Don't Rich Folks die? Don't they be dreadful parents? Don't they grow old and have to stuff their faces with cow goo, till their eyebrows climb halfway up their foreheads? Don't they make fools of themselves over slimy married jerks? Don't they snort the coke just to get through the day? And F T even has to work, like Anna Wintour.
°°° Third, the wealth of the Rich Folks doesn't amount to a hill of beans. Suppose Bill Gates got religion, and distributed his entire wealth to his grateful and worthy fellow citizens. If Microsoft is in a bubble, he has $60,000,000,000 to spread around. If Microsoft has had the air squeezed out, he has $30,000,000,000, a wife, chirren, and a palace or two. He can keep the wife, the chirren, and the palace, nobody else wants them.
°°° But, 300,000,000 American citizens dividing $30,000,000,000. Yes folks, that's only 2 zeros extra.
°°° 2.
°°° Ergo, each of us grateful and worthy fellow Americans would receive a fabulous legacy of $100. One time. Then Bill Gates would have nothing, except the wife chirren and palace, and how would he pay the heat bill? And after one trip to the grocery store, the entire body of worthy and grateful fellow Americans would have nothing too.
°°° I guess you really have to be a selfmade trillionaire, like Bernanke, S. p. A., to have a red cent nowadays.--Giac.