Dear Julja,
° "A little patience, and we shall see the reign of witches pass over, their spells dissolve, and the people, recovering their true sight, restore their government to its true principles."--Thomas Jefferson, alla Signora Streisand Dot Com.
° "Tomorrow is another day."--Scarlett O’Hara
° "Il est doux d’espérer."--Carmen, and we know how that turned out!
° "A little patience, and we shall see the reign of witches pass over, their spells dissolve, and the people, recovering their true sight, restore their government to its true principles."--Thomas Jefferson, alla Signora Streisand Dot Com.
° "Tomorrow is another day."--Scarlett O’Hara
° "Il est doux d’espérer."--Carmen, and we know how that turned out!
° "Witches" my hind foot! Jefferson, the only truly civilised President I suppose America ever had, didn’t even believe in God, much less goddesses.
° Anyhow, my prediction of the New American Order is based solidly on Science. Or anyway on stock market patterning. (The usual disclaimer, the fact that a system worked in the past is no guarantee--well then how do all the brokerage firms keep selling such a system?)
° And here ‘tis, my disclaimed guaranteed prediction of the future. John Edwards replaces John Schneider in the bigscreen adaptation of Dukes of Hazzard. George W. Bush hands off to Jeb Bush. In 2016 Jeb Bush hands off to Jenna Bush. In 2024 Jenna hands off to one of Bush père’s grandchildren, the ones he categorised as "the little brown ones."
° Yes.
° He did.
° And on 2 novembre mmxxxii, the next youngest, having changed parties on a Truth or Dare challenge, will restore the Democratic Party to headlined power.
° You can bank on it. (Disclaimer, ecc.)
° Howcome?
° Here’s the pattern, so plain a discarded donkey can descry it.
° In 1932 FDR, in response to an economic disaster that nearly shattered the United States of America, brainbirthed the Democratic-Social(ist) Party; it was flashytoothed, bighaired Jack Kennedy who warpdrove the D-S P into technicolour; it was the homely hopeless fecklessness of St. James Carter ("We have met the enemy, and it is y’all, the American people.") that drove the Party to autodestruct. A grand Kondratieff cycle of almost 50 years of oneParty rule culminating in a Banana Republic hyperinflation that shook Wall Street to its roots . . . .
° In 1980 Ronald Reagan brainbirthed the Republican-Liberty Party, it will be Jeb Bush and his 99% R-L P Congress that will shoot the Party into 3D, and in case I’m wrong about Jenna and the grandkids, it will be the Herbert Hooverlike nattering nabobishness of an illegally cloned lovechild of Ann C------ and Robert N---- that enters the selfdestruct code in 2032. A grand cycle of 50odd years of oneParty rule culminating in the meltingdown of the Statue of Liberty--to make pennies to pay the backtaxes--on the grounds that she is a pagan French goddess . . . .
° How do I know that the Democratic-Socialist Party is dead? (("Democrat" Congressmen uniformly espousing the Republican Platform is one clue. Zell Miller is the postDaschle rule, not the exception.))
° I know it because NPR’s senior pundit, in a Weekend Edition postelection interview, predicted sheepishly that the Democratic Party will study this election, learn its lessons, emerge stronger than ever. Ms. Streisand is sheepishly hoping the same thing.
° "Il est doux d’espérer," Carmen.
° "Resistance is futile," Big Bad Borg.
° Besides, on election morn, in the bottom of my coffee cup there was a decapitated body and, nearby, a disembodied donkey’s head.
° "Witches" my hind foot!
° Res ipsa loquitur.
° Brayingly, Giac.
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