domenica 6 febbraio 2005

Super Duper (Coz)

Dear Coz,

Little Miss Muffet
Sat on a tuffet
Eating her curds and whey;
She stuck in her thumb
And pulled out a plum
And said, "What good boys are they!"


° Way back in the hilly watermeadows of the Valley, Swampy Hollow High School’s football team has overshadowed the memory of Janet Jackson’s brash breast.
° While the entire team gayzed on, a posse of 16somethings held down a kicking and screaming 14something and demonstrated the use of the Trojan fingerpuppet.
° The case hung, in strict law, on the question of entrance within Mycenae’s Back Gate by said Trojan fingerpuppet. Even a fraction of an inch meant decades in stir for the invasive Troyen. And, naturally, the 14something Gatekeeper reported ingress, the 16something Infant(ry)men denied it.
° Don’t know, wadn’t there.
° But the Judger wrapped a turban around his head and read the tops’ minds. He discovered that the goddess Venus, cioè, Sex, was not on said minds at said time. Therefore, a verdict of simple gardenvariety assault, punishment nil.
° As Learned Counsel said, this sort of thing goes on all the time in high school lockerrooms.
° (Raise
Margaret Mead from the dead, the sooner the better.)


° Anyhow, I always wondered why American males prefer "football" to calcio.
° Now I know.

° Punting, Your cousin Giac.

P. S. I found myself overhearing a urologist’s worktales yesterday in the steam room. Now I know.

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