° The other day I sat out the green arrow at an intersection, for I wished to defer to a cavalcade of three equines crossing.
° A big white gelding, draped in redwhitebluestriped blanket, led the parade, well isn’t that always the way.
° There followed a bigassed black mare, bearing a magickmarked posterboard placard: The Commandments.
° Prudent. I mean, not to waste ink on the word Ten. For all but one have been radically revoked.
Non habebis deos alienos--abrogated in the name of circling the wagons after 9/11 by the late, not yet sufficiently sanctified, Bishop of West Rome.
Non facies tibi sculptile--why Moyses himself worshipped a Serpent!
Non assumes nomen Domini Dei tui in vanum--Eric Cartman, 1990’s.
Memento ut diem sabbati sanctifices--cancelled by God, 33 A.D., and by the Church four centuries later.
Honora patrem tuum--or he’ll beat the crap out of yez.
Non occides--why Moyses himself occidised!
Non moechaberis--Billy Jeff Clinton, 1990’s, for sometimes a cigar’s just a cigar.
Non furtum facies--Enron‘s shareholders, following the teachings of Che Guevara, for how can you steal something from somebody who didn’t own it in the first place?
Non loqueris contra proximum tuum falsum testimonium--Johnny Cochran, if the glove don’t fit, you must acquit.
Non concupisces domum proximi tui--for the bank owns more of it than he does.
As for uxorem, servum, ancillam, bovem et asinum, can’t say for sure. The ink was blurred with horsefroth.
° And the Ass? Grizzled grey, sweaty and galled, astride the big white gelding.
° At your command, Giac.
2 commenti:
Cosa rappresenta di preciso questa foto?
E' teschio bovino (dopo il sacrifizio? ossia un qualsiasi tabu?) in rilievo sulla Ara Pacis, un millennio (e più) prima del della Robbia.
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