° Hot sticky sweltering steamy sultry threebathaday Summers, like New Orleans without the beignets.
° Droughty dusty brownedged thriftless Summers, like Tuscany without the olives.
° Bonechilling icecrusted snowless bitter Winters, like Hell after the power was shut off.
° Spotty fever ticks, tartytongued vipers, tornadoes four seasons a year, like Kansas without Technicolour munchkins.
° The New Madrid fault just itching to rip open the Earth and drain the entire Mississippi into the Yangtze.
° Say what you like about our climate, from childhood on we were secure in one article of faith, to wit:
At least we don’t have hurricanes.
° Then howcome at 4 this morning I was awakened by rain blowing in ten feet across the porch and into my bedroom onto my face and pillow? With twigs, branches, trunks snapping like matchsticks? With the sound of somebody’s tin roof clattering down the pavement?
° Katrina, what a blow she was!
° Not but one thing to do about it. Senator Prissst and his minions, fresh off their Pyrrhic triumph over Death Most Holy (the Terry Schiavo affair), must pass a law against hurricanes.
° Childlike truths must remain sanctified.
° Swimming in my own element, Giac.
3 commenti:
Dear Ted, I'm pretty sure I'm innocent here, unless I've had a stroke and forgotten.--Giac
Continuerò a scrivere il mio blog.... Ho deciso di fregarmene delle persone che mi circondano. Io non ho mai messo nomi nei miei sfoghi di rabbia....perchè devono prendersela tanto?! Allora sai che c'è? Scrivo....come ho sempre fatto!
You commented on the blog, which is as capable a contact as is necessary. I'm confused, then, as to exactly what you mean. Are you frustrated by Giac's failure to post his email address on the blog? If so, that's rather silly. There's nothing "whimp[y]" about leaving off one's email in a public forum. It's a very reasonable security measure.
My question is, what's your beef? Or are you just throwing out petty insults because you disagree with his statements and otherwise have no way to debate them? Notice, I am not insulting you or belittling you. I frankly believe that, had you viable support for an alternate point of view, you would have given it. Since you seem to have no taste (or capacity) for debate, I'll assume you're simply waxing schoolyard here.
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