domenica 18 settembre 2005

Και (Foto, Julja)

Foto: Platytera ton Ouranon--S. Maria ad Martyres, icona iscritta da San Luca

Dear Julja,
° Pointless, and in these savage days dangerous, to mention Voltaire’s cavils against Judaeochristianislamist foundationalism. The Age of Reason, that is, the Age of Intuitive Observation, has lost its first flush of vigour.
° Yet suppose Earth were explored by little Green Men. Wouldn’t their anthropologists at once deduce (mistakenly, I hasten to add, as Voltaire so wisely would‘ve added) from the teachings and institutional structures of Judaeochristianislamism that it was a system devised by males for the benefit of males? If “devised” does not imply overmuch carefulness.

° So what a pleasure to enter the Temple of the Theotokos during the recent Family Festival in Overton. In the apse, the Mother of God shelters her tenyearold God in her arms. To the right an altar to the Sebastianlike, bound Christ. To the left an altar to the Sleeping, undying Mother of God.
° Parity.
° A sense that God had his eyes open when he founded Judaeochristianislamism.


° In the missal, the original Greek version, universally adopted, of the Nicene Creed.
° The infamous


endless bone of contention with the endlessly contentious Bishop of Rome.
° The nevermentioned

εκ του Πνευματου αγιου και Μαριας παρθενου,

((incarnate)) by ((the agency of)) the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary.
° Not the barbaric Latin filioqueism

de Spiritu Sancto ex Maria Virgine,

((incarnate)) by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary, id est, the action of One upon the Other.
° And so the West consciously--or illiterately--chose to reinstitute the ancient heresy, that

La donna non è gente.

° Ever uncertain whether to prefer Greek or French, Giac.

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