Dear Coz,
° You know exactly how free of superstition I am.
° And you know exactly how many U. S. Presidents there have been. No, I don‘t either, but enough to stretch from then till now, with plenty of spares.
° And you know that every village in America that has a townsquare has a Washington, a Jefferson, and a Madison Street. In the North they might could have Lincoln Streets, dunno.
° And you well know that some Presidents are so obscure, a town had to be growing mighty fast, mighty early to need their names.
° So imagine my surprise when I discovered that during the exact same week our beloved Piers and our belovable Leggero both moved onto the exact same obscurePresident street. One in Hephaistionton (the one in Parthenia), the other in Overton.
° It was a sign.
° Only, I already had come to the exact same conclusion, the sign was a month late.
° Ever on my divining toes, your Cousin Giac.