Dear Lad,
° Little Whip has developed into a true gentlecat. This morning a yelloweyed jetblack with tiny white medallion on the inner throat joined him for a meal on the porch. Not a hiss, not a fiss.
° Afterwards Whip raped her (for she was neither crooning nor presenting, that is, was not in heat) repeatedly, intermittently, persistently all the blessed day long. From the East, from the West, from the South, and finally from the North, he never relaxed his jaws’ grip on the back of her throat.
° All in vain, little Whip’s kama sutrics. For his girlfriend is so immature and tiny that bend as he would, he couldn’t achieve vital contact and still keep her in his bite.
° Intelligent Design.
° If Thomas Aquinas had ever once looked up from his dusty books, he’d’ve imposed less John Roberts style Natural Law sexual silliness on Judaeochristianislamism than he did.
° Ever versatile, Giac.
1 commento:
This may be presumptious, but would my cousin mind taking off with a blue-eyed, white furred, not-deaf kitten aged five months? The spouse and I had one blow up on the porch all literal. Been home-hunting, shelter-hunting, to no avail. I'm thinking all she needs is space and food. Any possibilities there?
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