domenica 27 novembre 2005

We Call Our Act "The Congress" (Foto, Lad)

Foto: Fiery Furnace, Down Below--Le Catacombe di Santa Priscilla, I Tre Giovanotti

Dear Lad,
° Ask your grandparents. 45yearolds can ask their parents. 65yearolds are being asked. And 85yearolds, even those past being asked, are unanimous.
° Whatever else can be said*** about the new Medicare Plan D drug “benefit,” it’s certain that it is the legislative product of a diseased, mentally deficient institution.
° Puts me in mind of this quote from The Aristocrats:

Remember, the average Joe is pretty stupid; that means half of us are really stupid.

° Caught in the middle, Giac.

***Videlicet, that it is engineered to raise drug prices through demandpush inflation, that it is engineered to pay off the healthcare industry for bribes received and promised, and that it is--and this is the only clever part--the first successful move Cheney has been able to make toward privatising and abolishing Social Security.

mercoledì 23 novembre 2005

More Food for Less Sex (Foto, Lad)

Foto: l'Ingresso--Le Catacombe di Santa Priscilla

Dear Lad,
° Six weeks and no results yet from that
righteous raping big Whip visited upon little Crook. I said at the time Crook wasn’t in heat.
° And I was right. In fact, taming has proceeded sufficiently for me to be able to determine that Crook is a tom, and was, most likely, all along. He still makes overtures to Whip, but with no sweet return of love. The fazzolettino syndrome, I reckon: nose blown, tissue discarded.
When love goes wrong, nothing goes right.

° Don’t I know it, Giac.

giovedì 10 novembre 2005

The Resurrection of Piers (Foto, Piers)

Foto: Sogno di Gaudio--Villa Giulia

My beloved Figliolino,
° Life in the end was kind to
Norma Desmond.
° The other morning I saw you in a vision.
° The toowise Greekpaganists would’ve said it was a dream issued from the Gate of Horn, a false dream.
° The toowise Judaeochristianislamists would’ve said it was the Resurrection of the spiritual flesh, same as Jesus.
° The toowise Freudiopsychists would’ve called it wishful thinking.


° But the Fool didn’t absorb What the Bleep Do We Know? for nothing.
° The Fool knows that Time is as illusory as Reality. What was done in the vision was done chemically in my brain, the memory is as real as Real can be.
° Life in the end was kind to Norma Desmond.

° Crying you a river, Giac.

Foto: Sogno di Gaudio che in Dolor Svanì--Tarquinia

Jackpot Undeleted (Foto, Julja)

((As a result of an unfortunate altercation between me and the Edit Button, this letter, 18 ottobre mmv, was inadvertently deleted.--Giac.))

Foto: La Ruota della Fortuna

Dear Julja,
° I face an ethical dilemma, one which only instinctive French
gametheory can resolve.
° Leggero, on a whim, gave me a lottery ticket, my very first, and I am terrified that I shall win.
° In the first place, the back of the ticket suggests that everybody will win $599 or less. Well, that won’t purchase the gas to go claim the prize.
° Amounts between $599 and $199,000 may be claimed by mail. So that’s worth a 37cent stamp.
° And though amounts between $199,000 and the jackpot of $340,000,000 must be claimed in person, in Overton, I reckon it would pay to do so.


° The delicate moral question is, Just how much of the jackpot--for I am confident of success--am I to share with Leggero?
° Put another way, Just how little can I share with him and still retain his friendship?
° You see the problem, Zero is such a cold number.


° In fact, it’s only as the prize approaches $100,000 that I become tempted to stinginess. For the interest on that sum equals weekly 90minute Swedish massages for an entire year. So the lucre is capable of producing real value, not just a trinket like a car or a year’s tuition at Alma Mater.
° And it’s only when I see his net worth surpassing mine that I become truly wary. The word “allowance,” with its parental implications, comes to mind.
° But if, as I fear, I win the jackpot, I’ll cheerfully split it straight down the middle, onethird for me, onethird for Leggero, and onethird for the Giac & Leggero Foundation.
° Whose mandate will be to--well, it wouldn’t have a mandate, it’d just be taxfavoured mad money, like Bill & Melinda’s.

° Well that’s a load off, Giac.

giovedì 3 novembre 2005

Village Semain (Lad, Foto)

Foto: della Morte Santissima l'Angelo Blu--Pantheon, Bernini

Dear Lad,
° What an idyllic Hallowe’en! Clear skies, moderate temperature, a school night--I never fed so many trickortreaters in my life. A classic village
° Yet, just a few blocks away, there was an incident.
° Overton man, seventysomething, arrested for DUI and for soliciting a fiveyearold girl with a view towards “kidnapping.”


° The true, nonmedia, nonpolice, version of the story differs richly.
° Siouxsie, who lives not a block from me, was just fixing to go pick up her daughter, who had toured the main street with her playmates, when the phone rang: “There’s a man parked out in front of my house, and he’s been asking every child that passes for ‘help.’”
° Siouxsie burnt rubber. Moments later she was banging on the guy’s window: “What the--((I mean to say, whatever)) are you doing here?”
° He roused, responded in kind, and made as if to get out of the car. “You open that door, I’ll kick you in the ((knees)).”
° He did, Siouxsie did, and as he fell to the pavement, his wallet ((fell out)).
° He had four different id’s. I mean to say, fotoidenticards establishing four separate names for him.
° There was no alcohol on his breath, just woozy stupor.
° And there was a loaded revolver on the seat, and another in his holster.
° And a stash of “drugs.”
° And--well that’s all.
° Village Souxsie 5--Overton Dotard 0.


° And o yes, he’d ruptured his oilpan or fuel line or--don’t ask me, I wouldn’t’ve known even if I’d seen it myself--and Souxsie was standing in, and he wallowing in, a puddle of gasoline.
° Tucked away safely in the idyllic countryside, Giac.

martedì 1 novembre 2005

Poor Souls (Lettye, Foto)

Foto: Della Morte Santissima l'Angelo--Pantheon, Bernini

Dear Lettye,
° None of this ((ecclesiastical fundraising)) in any way affected life at St. Dolores, for she is so very poor the congregation would commence a deathrattle at the first mention of so much as a nickel. So St. Dolores was free to progress to the one great pleasure of the ecclesiastical Autumn.
° Not Halloween, which always falls a little flat liturgically, though folks’d give a pretty to see the Altar draped in black and orange, and candy corn handed out as jujube on the way back from Communion; not Ognisanti itself (though Maury’s reading of the Poulenc g-minor Organconcerto on the neverneurotic Beckerath came as near to catharsis for Holy Cross (("9/11")) as anything was ever like to do), but All Souls, and the consequent monthlong celebration of Sister Death.
° Here ‘twas at last, comfort from Mother Church. Holy Cross comfort. For Fr. Gaffering, after reminding us who the Poor Souls are--for some of us slept through Catechism Class and thought they had to do with Ralph Cramden and The Honeymooners--urged each of us to adopt one as a sort of Afterlife Buddy, whether we rightly knew his name or not. The deal was this, we pray for our (possibly unknown) Buddy all during November, and when we finally get him bumped from Purgation--how times have changed, it seems we are no longer so much as to form the word Purgatory on our lips, so desperate is Mother Church that we not mistake Dante’s monumental artistic Truth for the truth--and then he, or perhaps it might even be a she (for Mother Church, breaking lockstep with certain other religions one could name, considers that Women, too, have souls, like Men, Cats, and certain species of Birds), will, once in Heaven proper, help pray us out of Purgation. So my question was naturally, how many Buddies is enough?
° I could really only think of one, a neighbour whose pastlife was so colourful folks still talk about it after her death (she was the live girl the unruint politician was anecdotally caught in bed with), nor could I suppose that anybody else on Earth would bother to pray for her, for probate had closed on her estate. (Bimeby I bethought me of others, for one can never have too many Buddies.)
° And I still, occasionally, though Semain is long past, implore the Saints to release M----- and J----- and the other P--r S--ls from their Sisyphean efforts. And it will be Hell to pay if they renege on their end of the contract--albeit like God’s contract with the Jews, I can’t exactly produce their attested signatures--later on, in the sweet by and by.
° Almost better, there were specially marked envelopes inviting one to donate unspecified amounts--this is where St. Dolores could learn a lesson from Tex’s Tip Jar, always best to suggest a figure, folks are so easily led--for Altar supplies in exchange for indulgences for any of our family members currently doing time in Purgatory.
° So I slipped in a tendollar bill for Daddy. Now I know you like a book, I know exactly what you are thinking. “Ten dollars, how much relief could ten dollars buy?!” And you are exactly right. As I sealed the flap I thought to myself, at Oxy Wesley I’d automatically have put in a twenty, and at Assumption I’d’ve been mortified to donate less than a fifty (although U.S. Grant taints that denomination mortally). But so it is, the Poor get poorer. Still, if the envelope’d said, Tex’s TipJarily:

100 years’ indulgence, $10
1000 years’ indulgence, $20
10,000 years’ indulgence, $50
Plenary indulgence, $100

well I just bet St. Dolores’s take would’ve skyrocketed. Ask, says Jesus, and ye shall receive. Don’t ask, and be lucky to get a tenspot.
° I didn’t write Daddy’s name on the envelope. I thought it best to let the Virgin Mother of God determine the recipients of the indulgence, like Angel Tree at Christmas. And I did think that all those thousands of folks burnt to death, crushed to death, fallen to death, smothered to death ((in the World Trade Center))--I did think that all those thousands of Poor Souls could’ve used a little indulgence right about now, and I was sincerely grateful to the Roman Church for being the only religious organisation that offered to provide it.
° For yes, as Catechism so truly says, Purgatory is “a consoling and reasonable doctrine.” Reasonable in that it seeks with Thomian ((Aquinas)) tooclevernessbyhalf to make sense of one of the bizarrest passages in all religious literature,

He preached to the souls in stir,

and consoling in that it relieves the average Joe from any concern with Hell at all. Like that refreshing sign in front of the anaBaptist Church north of Polk:

Remember that Christ died to save Sinners,
good ones and bad ones.

I’d like to see Thom Aquinas himself boil that one down into orthodoxy.
° Yet we know what it means. It expresses the Ripleyism that is the true Faith of all average Joe religionists. Hell is for ‘em. Heaven is for ‘Em. Purgatory will suit us just fine. (For polls, indubitable polls, tell us that while nearly all Americans profess a belief in Heaven, only a hardcore bare third retain a functional belief in Hell. So Purgatory must be the stopgap that fills this discrepancy.)
° And it is consoling to think that our unknown Buddies will accidentally pray us into some diminution of the billions upon billions of years we most likely are scheduled for on Monte Purgatorio.
° And it is consoling to think that though we could do nothing for those of our number about to be blown to smithereens, now that they have been, we can be of assistance.
° And it is sad to think what a loss of peace of mind and of reasonable consolation it is to the schismatic and the heretical branches of the Church that they should deny a reasonable and consoling dogma simply because they have not the least shred of evidence that it is true, or even True.
° For Lord knows, that never stops haemorrhoidal folks from embracing loony and deforming doctrines.
° As witness Timmy McVeigh and the Holy Cross Badasses.

° Well anyhow, I say, Tex’s Bach healed me, the Poor Souls consoled me.
° But what comforted me the most was the certainty that if They ever bomb Kosciusko County, They’ll sure be hurting for a target.
° Nor did I ever once hear of an airplane crash, during fiftyfive years of childhood, without at once hearing the Retort of Common Sense: “Well if they hadn’t gone up in it, they wouldn’t’ve gone down with it.” Which is closely kin to the Retort of Sense of a Guinea Hen: “If God’d meant Man to fly . . . .” And certainly if I ever lose my mind to such an extent that I voluntarily set foot on one of those godforsaken unnatural monstrosities--!
° And even the anthrax held no terror for us countryfolk, for from childhood on we’ve inhaled so many dormant spores of every possible strain of that disease from dusty corrals and barns that if we’d been gonna die from it, we’d’ve done so long since. And had we succumbed, we’d’ve been no deader nor no less dead than anybody else in the fullness of time.
° As Francesco so truly said,

Exspecta modicum et videbis.

° Love, Giac.

Excerpted from Piers trinitatis, iii, ((c)) 2004, Meloncord Press.