Dear Lad,
° Ask your grandparents. 45yearolds can ask their parents. 65yearolds are being asked. And 85yearolds, even those past being asked, are unanimous.
° Whatever else can be said*** about the new Medicare Plan D drug “benefit,” it’s certain that it is the legislative product of a diseased, mentally deficient institution.
° Puts me in mind of this quote from The Aristocrats:
Remember, the average Joe is pretty stupid; that means half of us are really stupid.
° Caught in the middle, Giac.
***Videlicet, that it is engineered to raise drug prices through demandpush inflation, that it is engineered to pay off the healthcare industry for bribes received and promised, and that it is--and this is the only clever part--the first successful move Cheney has been able to make toward privatising and abolishing Social Security.
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