To the Honourable L------ D----:
° I am in receipt of your slick mailer, for which, many thanks.
° You ask me, the American Taxpayer, what I think.
° I am too busy scraping together my contribution to your salary to think, that’s why I voted for you in the first place.
° But here are three things I observe.
° 1. I observe that Congress acknowledges absolutely no financial responsibility toward the American Republic, which you are pushing into bankruptcy as quickly as you can.
° 2. I observe that Congress acknowledges absolutely no oversight responsibility toward the American Republic; FEMA, Social Security, Medicare, the Armed Forces must all fend for themselves.
° 3. I observe that Congress greatly enjoys bullying first one segment of the American Republic, then another; what have y’all got against our hardworking Mexican brothers and sisters?
° Course, as I gaze at the slick foto, and think that there are 34,000 handsome males (mostly) and lovely females (a smattering) constantly inviting Congress out for coffee, lunch, drinks dinner and a show, maybe breakfast in bed, for all I know--well I think Congress is doing the best it can with the spare time it has to do with.
° Yours till November, The American Taxpayer
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