LXXIV--Ad Lesbiam ((?))
. . . .
quod uoluit fecit: nam, quamuis irrumet ipsum
nunc patruum, uerbum non faciet patruus.
((sometimes the editor is right, “screws over” is all that’s meant; and anyway, it doesn’t count if it’s your uncle? or his wife?))
Gallus habet fratres, quorum est lepidissima coniunx
alterius, lepidus filius alterius.
. . . .
((and of course aunt and nephew don’t count either))
LXXVIIIb--Ad Rufum
. . . .
sed nunc id doleo, quod purae pura puellae
suauia comminxit spurca saliua tua.
. . . .
((sloppy wet kisses were always sloppy and wet))
Lesbius est pulcer. quid ni? quem Lesbia malit
quam te cum tota gente, Catulle, tua.
. . . .
((and brother and sister don’t count, do they?))
LXXX--Ad Gellium
. . . .
nescio quid certe est: an uere fama susurrat
grandia te medii tenta uorare uiri?
sic certe est: clamant Victoris rupta miselli
ilia, et emulso labra notata sero.
((burst rectum, lips covered in slimy fluid, just Lord have mercy!))
LXXXVIII--Ad Gellium
Quid facit is, Gelli, qui cum matre atque sorore
prurit et abiectis peruigilat tunicis?
. . . .
((the editor hopefully notes, “perhaps it’s only his stepmother”))
LXXXIX--In Gellium
Gellius est tenuis: quid ni? cui tam bona mater
tamque ualens uiuat tamque uenusta soror
tamque bonus patruus tamque omnia plena puellis
cognatis, quare is desinat esse macer?
. . . .
((no, mothers and sisters and uncles and cousins do not count, but they can sure help burn the calories . . . .))
Nascatur magus ex Gelli matrisque nefando
coniugio et discat Persicum aruspicium:
. . . .
((so now let’s blame it on the Persian magi, what an Epiphany!))
. . . .
et quamuis tecum multo coniungerer usu,
. . . .
((since you couldn’t seduce my mother and sister, you found a way to really hurt me . . . .))
End of Part III, Contents Execrable
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