domenica 12 giugno 2005

Proud to be . . . (Foto, Coz)

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Dear Coz,
° Proud to be . . .

1. . . . an American;
2. . . . here;
3. . . . nominated for this award.

° Yes, an English major (it was an advocate, most likely) finally took charge of Overton’s Pride manifestation. Someone who understands that words carry subtexts. Someone who was fed up with Pride . . .

1, 2, 3. . . . goeth before a fall.

Someone, perhaps, born after the heyday of Black Pride.


° I am not an English major, I barely managed Latin Greek German and Italian.
° But I know that as long as Gay goeth opposite Straight, the wordgame is lost.

° Psychically literate, your Cousin Giac.

1 commento:

Sam Hedge ha detto...

So, where you been hiding, coUsin?

I'm working the language lab in UAH's wonderful Morton Hall Monday bis Freitag. Still at the Shop(pe) come weekends.