Dear Coz,
° The other day I was puttering up (so as not to waste $2.50 gas, that was a couple of days before it was $3.00 gas) McLin Hill, and even so I began to overtake an RV towing a diminutive SUV.
° The back of the RV had been painted Celestial Blue, and in the centre was a white Dove, ascending, emitting rays of glory.
° I was entranced. The Goddess of Desire sends a sign.
° And even if it was only the Holy Spirit (predicting the hurricane), I was entranced: Meg Tilly, Agnes of God, parthenogenesis . . . .
° And even if it was only the Dove of Peace, what planet could have more need of her?
° Entranced and ebullient.
° On the wheel cover of the petite SUV’s spare tyre was the rest of the message: a Tasmanian Devil shouting:
° Ah, so it was the Dove of Peace . . . .
° Your affectionate Cousin, Giac.
2 commenti:
That, that's fucking spot on, I'd say. In the pseudo-ironic sense that seems to be the fasion in our new millenium, this juxtoposition states firmly the stance of today's religions reich-- "We've got the monopoly, now back off!" Imagine this said with Taz's characteristic Harvard eloquency and you get a pretty good idea at what I'm getting.
For further visuals, check out the roma a mezzanotte foto for 9 settembre.
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