domenica 22 ottobre 2006

Civics 101 (Sandy)

Dear Sandy,
° I’ve done my civic duty, I’ve voted. Early voting, at the Courthouse, because without Mapquest I will never be able to find my own gerrymandered voting site.
° On the DifferentSex Marriage Amendment, NO. Not because I desire to subsidise the sexcapades of samesexers, or because it is reasonable that I continue to subsidise the sexcapades of married differentsexers, but because the Amendment takes advantage of the gullibility of the Christianists, by pretending to give them dominion they didn’t already have.
° On the Senile Property Tax Freeze, YES. Not because it will freeze my property taxes anytime soon, but because it is a pathetically inadequate and accidental step in the right direction, of letting parents honestly pay for the educations of their own children, without forcing nonparents to subsidise the products of the parents‘ sexcapades.
° As for the offices, it was easy as pie. Where the Democrat was crazymeaner than the Republican (and that was the case in most of the races), and there was no Independent, I withdrew my governed consent from the filling of that office. That is, I didn’t vote for either.
° But where there was an Independent, I had to update my traditional method of deciding. I used to vote for the betterlooking candidate, but our Independents are so povertystricken, they can’t afford fotos. So I just ran down the list and picked the bestlooking name. One, for example, appeared to be a Cherokee, so I knew he would be sound. In another case I voted for a man whose Christian name was “Christopher,” because in my experience men named “Chris” tend to be decent sorts.
° So I’m satisfied I chose wisely and well.


° I did take under consideration your plea in favour of yellowdog Democrat voting (that is, to vote for the crazymeaner than a Republican candidates--as if one could purge a poisoned well by adding more poison--because “Bush trumps everything”).
° I asked myself, “Am I better off, or worse off, than I was 4 years ago (or 6 if you focus exclusively on Bush)?” I am way exceedingly doubleplusgood better off. Mostly not Bush’s doing, but on the tax question, yes, Bush’s doing.
° I continued asking.
° You are better off (Bush non c’entra).
° Piers is better off (Bush non c’entra).
° Little Coz, Nathan, Leggero, Julja--all better off (Bush non c’entra).
° Lettye is worse off, she faces surgery, but I’m pretty sure Bush didn’t cause her condition.
° Really only the 600,000 innocent Iraqi civilians Bush’s Army (with full Democratic support from the outset) has slaughtered at random these last couple of years--well they are in the hands of God, and so even they’re better off.
° And while I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t vote for Bush, I equally doubt if they’d vote for Bush’s enablers, viz., the crazymeaner than Republican New Democrats.

° As always, correct me if I’m wrong, Giac.

giovedì 12 ottobre 2006

Slops (Sandy)

Dear Sandy,
° Did you receive in yesterday’s post the competing menus for this next legislative buffet?
° Let us see what delectable slops are on offer.

Protect Traditional Marriage (Republican)
Protect Sanctity of Marriage (Democrat)

((Linguistically the Republican is more correct. The Democrat is injecting denominational religious views into the Civil Law.))

Stop Illegal Immigration (Republican)
Stop Illegal Immigration to Protect American Jobs (Democrat)

((If the border States can’t and won’t stop illegal immigration, I really don’t know that the interior States can and will. The Democrat is both more truthful and more potentially racist.))

Voluntary School Prayer (Republican)
Ratchet Up the Drug Wars (Democrat)

((Republican disingenuously supports the status quo, Democrat signals addiction to Magickal Thinking.))

Anti-Abortion (Democrat)
Pro-Guns (Democrat)

((Republican silent as can be. Since your contributions to the State Democratic Party are supporting these two stances that you most abominate, you’re not only silent, you’re beating yourself on the head with the soup ladle you paid for yourself.))

Eliminate Sales Tax on Food (Republican)
Freeze Property Tax for Seniors (Republican)
No State Income Tax (Republican)
Lower Drug Costs (Republican)
Enhance Seniors’ Access to Healthcare (Republican)

((The frosting on the cake. The Democrat offers no frosting, hence no taste comparison is possible.))


° Who will win?
° Well, the Republican looks like Uncle Fester, and couldn’t win if unopposed.
° The Democrat looks fit and tough and Bushlike, and would win against sissy Thomas Jefferson.
° And anyhow, by your yellowdog contribution, you’ve already voted.

° Tastes a little off to me, Giac.

martedì 10 ottobre 2006

Hard Driving (Sandy)

Dear Sandy,
° You recollect Megalomane’s woes a month or so ago? Well he was just like a concussion patient. At first, after the recoverydisk intervention, he was normal as could be. But then his mind developed kinks.
° Takes forever to boot up, occasionally vomits recent memories.
° And now I know whycome.
° “Does your processor make woodpecker sounds?”
° “Yes, exactly.”
° “Did you buy Megalomane about a year ago?”
° “Yes, exactly.”
° “Does he have a Maxtor harddrive over 80G?”
° “Yes, exactly.”
° “Well, those harddrives have been going bad like crazy. I’ve replaced 30 or 40 myself, at a single office.”
° So that’s it. [And yes, two days later, that WAS it: “Failure of harddrive is imminent. Backup data files now or exit.”]


° Who gave me this justintime advice? Not our local technogeek, that’s for sure. He’d never heard of the woodpecker sound, thought I was making it all up.
° The advice came from a waitor at Trattoria Coloreproibito. Well, not my waitor. Not even one at the neighbouring tables. It was the guy who was refilling the lemon slice well.
° And why he should be moonlighting when our local ignoramus . . . .

° Illserved but served, Giac.