Dear Sandy,
° You recollect Megalomane’s woes a month or so ago? Well he was just like a concussion patient. At first, after the recoverydisk intervention, he was normal as could be. But then his mind developed kinks.
° Takes forever to boot up, occasionally vomits recent memories.
° And now I know whycome.
° “Does your processor make woodpecker sounds?”
° “Yes, exactly.”
° “Did you buy Megalomane about a year ago?”
° “Yes, exactly.”
° “Does he have a Maxtor harddrive over 80G?”
° “Yes, exactly.”
° “Well, those harddrives have been going bad like crazy. I’ve replaced 30 or 40 myself, at a single office.”
° So that’s it. [And yes, two days later, that WAS it: “Failure of harddrive is imminent. Backup data files now or exit.”]
° You recollect Megalomane’s woes a month or so ago? Well he was just like a concussion patient. At first, after the recoverydisk intervention, he was normal as could be. But then his mind developed kinks.
° Takes forever to boot up, occasionally vomits recent memories.
° And now I know whycome.
° “Does your processor make woodpecker sounds?”
° “Yes, exactly.”
° “Did you buy Megalomane about a year ago?”
° “Yes, exactly.”
° “Does he have a Maxtor harddrive over 80G?”
° “Yes, exactly.”
° “Well, those harddrives have been going bad like crazy. I’ve replaced 30 or 40 myself, at a single office.”
° So that’s it. [And yes, two days later, that WAS it: “Failure of harddrive is imminent. Backup data files now or exit.”]
° Who gave me this justintime advice? Not our local technogeek, that’s for sure. He’d never heard of the woodpecker sound, thought I was making it all up.
° The advice came from a waitor at Trattoria Coloreproibito. Well, not my waitor. Not even one at the neighbouring tables. It was the guy who was refilling the lemon slice well.
° And why he should be moonlighting when our local ignoramus . . . .
° Illserved but served, Giac.
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