° Speaking of the Villa Borghese hermaphrodite, as you and I were last Thursday while the rain separated us from the rest of the world, and the perfume of the petunias smothered the perfume of the hothouse roses, there in the greenhouse . . . .
° For so many centuries the men of the East have forced their women to wear veils, as did many manly men of the West till just a little after Balzac’s adventuresses--picture Guinivere, all peakyhatted.
° Is the veil, as these manly men say, to protect their property from the insolent gaze of other churls?
° Or is the veil just a clumsy sort of beard, to masculinise their wives into softskinned altar boys, just sprouting their first silky lovefur?
° Timetravelling, Giac.
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