Dear Coz,
° Today just before tea, east of the Ellipse, a twentyfoothigh swarm of honeybees. Spectacular, but it was the rowr that drew my attention.
° What can it signify?
° Well, of course, a dead ox. For, as Vergil so straightfacedly tells us, honeybees are spontaneously generated in the rotting flesh of bovine corpses. No doubt by Intelligent Design.
° Or, it could mean la Luna di Miele. Is someone we know enjoying a honeymoon?
° ((I can’t omit Voltaire’s dismissal of augury, Etruscan and Romanyan:
° Today just before tea, east of the Ellipse, a twentyfoothigh swarm of honeybees. Spectacular, but it was the rowr that drew my attention.
° What can it signify?
° Well, of course, a dead ox. For, as Vergil so straightfacedly tells us, honeybees are spontaneously generated in the rotting flesh of bovine corpses. No doubt by Intelligent Design.
° Or, it could mean la Luna di Miele. Is someone we know enjoying a honeymoon?
° ((I can’t omit Voltaire’s dismissal of augury, Etruscan and Romanyan:
Prophecy arose when the first Rogue encountered the first Fool.
Well you’re no Rogue, and I’m no F---uh oh. At least I never foretell the Future; I only point out signs of the Present and Past; for most folks, that’s still news.))
° Best wishes to you and Zoe in this time of your marriage.
° Live long and prosper.
° Ricethrowingly, Giac.
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