domenica 22 maggio 2005

Male Genital Mutilation (Foto, Lad)

Posted by Hello
Dear Lad,
° Did you know that, according to Voltaire,

The Jews adopted circumcision from the Egyptians, with part of their ceremonies. They have always retained it, as well as the Arabians and the Ethiopians; the Turks have submitted to it, though it is not ordered in the Alcoran. It is only an ancient usage, which was introduced by superstition, and which has been preserved by custom. ?

° Well I sure didn’t. Know. About, I mean, the Egyptians. I knew they drank beer, worshipped cats, and depilated their bodies--it was before Springtime Fresh deodorant soaps--from A to Izzard.
° But I didn’t know they did anything queer, like genital mutilation.

° Unheathenly timetravelling, Giac.

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