° The quintessential moment in Downfall comes when Frau G--I think it was Goebbels, but if not, Goering--falls down to her knees, grasps der Führer´s (knees), presses her face against his--well anyway, she begs him not to desert the Glorious Cause.
° “I do not want my children to grow up in a world from which the ideals of National Socialism have disappeared.”
° Then she sedates kindly and murders gently her six little bairns, and retires to her room to unwind.
° By dealing herself a hand of solitaire!
° “I do not want my children to grow up in a world from which the ideals of National Socialism have disappeared.”
° Then she sedates kindly and murders gently her six little bairns, and retires to her room to unwind.
° By dealing herself a hand of solitaire!
° And what else has Doonesbury been saying these last couple of months, as Alix torments her peacenik parents with an Army recruiter at the kitchen table?
° “I want to fight Evil. I wouldn’t want my children to grow up in a world in which . . . .”
° Spoiled little pansyassed simp!
° Timetravelling, Giac.
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