domenica 25 dicembre 2005

Christmas Present! (Foto, Urbi et Orbi)

Foto: Christmas Present--Chiesa sconosciuta vicino a Atene

Urbi et Orbi:
° “Christmas Present!” We used to strive to be the first to shout it to anybody we encountered on Christmas Day. What did it mean?
° It meant our parents and grandparents had used to engage in the same contest, whatever it meant.


° Dasn’t say “Happy Holidays!” nowadays. Might say it to a Christian Pharisee, who’ll boycott your business and sue you to boot.
° Dasn’t say “Good Yule!” nowadays. Might say it to someone of coastal European descent, for whom greatgreatgreatgreatGranddaddy Olaf is a reminder of opportunistic rape.
° Dasn’t say “Happy Christmas!” nowadays. For that is a slight against our British forebears.
° Dasn’t say “Io Saturnalia!” nowadays. For that involves too many calories and far too much liberty.
° Dasn’t say “Quasi Kwanzaa!” nowadays. Though otherwise one scarcely knows a catchy way of saying it.
° Dasn’t not say “Merry Christmas!” nowadays to one and all. For otherwise it looks as if you think your listener is some swarthy terrorist.
° So I just say “Merry Christmas!” right and left. And if the response is, “I don’t celebrate Christmas,” then I put a pitying tone into my voice (for folks hate to be pitied) and reply, “O I am so very sorry. Katrina.” And exit before they figure out I don’t really think they’re cajun.


° But the best thing is just to shut up, which I am now doing, click on this link, listen, lie back and think of Lord Peter, the cherubim roof, the fens, the flood . . . .

° Buon Natale! Feliz Navidad! Giac.

lunedì 12 dicembre 2005

Haga su Peticion (Foto--Piers)

Foto: Haga su Peticion--Le Catacombe di Santa Priscilla, Guadalupe e Bambino

Mio figluolino dilettissimo Piers,
° La candela accesa, preghiamo:

Oh, Virgen de Guadalupe sin mancha, modelo acabado de Esposa y de Madre, imploro tu socorro en mis necesidades y las de mi familia, recomendando a tu maternal Corazon a mis pobres hijos; cuidamelos y formales su corazon en la humildad. Oh, Maria de Guadalupe, yo te lo pido con piedad que tengamos la felicidad de encontrarnos todos juntos en el cielo para contemplar la gloria de Dios, bendecirlo y alabarlo por toda la eternidad. Amen.

° Adesso, mio cucciolo, richiedi . . . .

° Abbracci tanti, Giac.

giovedì 1 dicembre 2005

How to Unplug Giac (Foto--Coz, Lad, Piers)

Foto: A Noi Si Schiude il Ciel--Tarquinia

Dear Kiddypusses,
° How to unplug Giac?
° You just put your two lips together, and blow.
° No, that’s kissing, no, whistling, well, anyway, something
Lauren Bacall knew well how to do.
° You unplug Giac by--
° --well I don’t know that either. I always thought feeding tubes were rubber hoses inserted down the throats of Irish prisoners on hunger strike. A funnel was placed on the outside end, British gruel was poured down, and after the rubber had galled the throatlining a few times, the patient was invariably healed. Of his political protest.
° And even this last Spring, the nonNazi Bishop of Rome had a “feeding tube” inserted through his nose. Slick vinyl, lubricated I suppose, nonchafing--still grosser than all getout.
° But when I saw a diagram of the modern, surgical,
Schiavo version of a feeding tube, I like to’ve fainted.
° So as to the howto of unplugging, y’all’ll just have to consult Google.


° The whento of unplugging is way easier, Giac doesn’t even need the advice and consent and shamelessly selfaggrandising authoritarianism of the U. S. Congress to know the timing.
° Neither do y’all.


° Just before folks are strapped to ventilators or punctured by feedingtubes or plugged into some other extraordinarilyoffensivetoDeathMostHoly contraption, they are most generally in one of two states.
° Either they are a going proposition, able to selffeed, selfclothe, selfexcrete, selfclean, ecc. ecc. (even if they’re slow as molasses at Christmas)--
° --or else they are a wellnigh collapsed corporation already, unable to selffeed, selfclothe, selfexcrete, selfclean, ecc. ecc. Nor is the almost entire lack of a mind--not that any of us is all that bright to start with--to be ignored. It’s all a natural part of that living rotting process known as aging. It‘s a towering rottentothecore maple tree waiting for the next windstorm..
° If one--before the car accident, for example--was a going proposition, it is possible one may become so again.
° If one--before the stroke, for example--was already a terminally collapsing bankruptcy, the jig is already up, whether one likes it or not.
° Unplugging dilemmas arise from HopeSpringsEternal, from MedicalMagickalThinking, from TheosophicalButtinitism terrified by Death Most Holy in person.
° “Giac may recover, I’ve seen bigger miracles.”
° If the doctor says that, it’s time to pull the plug.
° “Many patients in Giac’s condition come around, with minimal brain damage, bimeby.”
° If the doctor says that, it’s time to mark off six weeks on the calendar, then pull the plug if Giac doesn’t tell you otherwise from his own lips.
° “Giac’ll never have any mind again (semiparalysed, incontinent, helpless and absent), but with ((y’all’s)) tender care and patience he can look forward to many years of ‘quality life.’”
° If the doctor says that, pull the plug, then sue the quack for violating the Geneva Accords regulating human torture.

° Yet y’all see the problem: no living will can foresee the exact degree of debility encountered, the exact point at which yes shades into no.
° Although, apparently, Congress thinks folks believe it can.


° Keep in mind two principles.
° 1. Division of Labour.
° 2. Provision of Banana.

° Provision of Banana.
° See to it that there is a banana (I prefer them on the slightly green side, no squishy brown rotters stinking of nail polish remover, please) beside Giac’s bed at all times. If one of yez proves to be a tenderhearted, nambypamby, sweetiepie girlyboy of a man, peel the banana. If even that doesn’t keep Pansyass from calling, in a shrill Senatorial schoolgirl tone of voice, the rest of you “Murderers,” then break off bits of banana, mash with molasses, and apply to my lips.
° Even a sulling Cat will choose Life under those conditions. If said Sullen Cat is still capable of Life.
° As for the sheets, don’t trouble yourselves. Think of Nanook of the North, where the Inuit mothers, to conserve moisture and nutrients, licked their infants’ little beehinds clean.
° Think about Nanook, then do the exact opposite. Rubber sheets, perfumed cat litter.
° Not y’all’s mess, mine mine mine.

° Division of Labour.
° Piers will be off somewhere occupying himself with la Guadalupe and the deathchants.
° Coz will be bedside to invoke Death Most Holy, and he well knows what that means.
° While my affectionate little Lad, legalistically disabled from obtaining a merciful and humane
ampule of morphine at the local pharmacy, will paint the backside of my tonsils with the juice of the same mushrooms Agrippina used on Claudius--though hellebore or jimsonweed would do as well in season.

° Testamentarily, Giac.

° O terra, addio, addio valle di pianti, Sogno di--what’s that caterwauling out in the hall interrupting the angelic voices in what’s left of Giac’s mind, why it’s, why it’s--
° --why it’s our beloved Piers and our belovable Leggero quarrelling over the funeral music.
° “I’m sure I don’t need you to tell me what to play for the funeral, I know what Giac wanted. Howells. Duruflé. Improv sortie on Michael.”
° “Yet, strangely, I don’t need anybody to tell me what Giac wanted, dead or alive. Besides, he wrote it down in plain English: Falenyam Diaz’s transcription of
Gianni Schicchi for harmonica trio and bagpipe chorus.”
° “O screw!”
° “No fooling.”

° Then behold the clouds part, the beckoning tunnel of white Swan Lake happyending light, “I’m coming Elizabeth,” Te Deum laudamus alla Floria Tosca Alighieri, the fragrance of rotted tuna fish--uh oh, the Cat‘s sucking my breath again!
° Sogno di gaudio che in dolor svanì.

domenica 27 novembre 2005

We Call Our Act "The Congress" (Foto, Lad)

Foto: Fiery Furnace, Down Below--Le Catacombe di Santa Priscilla, I Tre Giovanotti

Dear Lad,
° Ask your grandparents. 45yearolds can ask their parents. 65yearolds are being asked. And 85yearolds, even those past being asked, are unanimous.
° Whatever else can be said*** about the new Medicare Plan D drug “benefit,” it’s certain that it is the legislative product of a diseased, mentally deficient institution.
° Puts me in mind of this quote from The Aristocrats:

Remember, the average Joe is pretty stupid; that means half of us are really stupid.

° Caught in the middle, Giac.

***Videlicet, that it is engineered to raise drug prices through demandpush inflation, that it is engineered to pay off the healthcare industry for bribes received and promised, and that it is--and this is the only clever part--the first successful move Cheney has been able to make toward privatising and abolishing Social Security.

mercoledì 23 novembre 2005

More Food for Less Sex (Foto, Lad)

Foto: l'Ingresso--Le Catacombe di Santa Priscilla

Dear Lad,
° Six weeks and no results yet from that
righteous raping big Whip visited upon little Crook. I said at the time Crook wasn’t in heat.
° And I was right. In fact, taming has proceeded sufficiently for me to be able to determine that Crook is a tom, and was, most likely, all along. He still makes overtures to Whip, but with no sweet return of love. The fazzolettino syndrome, I reckon: nose blown, tissue discarded.
When love goes wrong, nothing goes right.

° Don’t I know it, Giac.

giovedì 10 novembre 2005

The Resurrection of Piers (Foto, Piers)

Foto: Sogno di Gaudio--Villa Giulia

My beloved Figliolino,
° Life in the end was kind to
Norma Desmond.
° The other morning I saw you in a vision.
° The toowise Greekpaganists would’ve said it was a dream issued from the Gate of Horn, a false dream.
° The toowise Judaeochristianislamists would’ve said it was the Resurrection of the spiritual flesh, same as Jesus.
° The toowise Freudiopsychists would’ve called it wishful thinking.


° But the Fool didn’t absorb What the Bleep Do We Know? for nothing.
° The Fool knows that Time is as illusory as Reality. What was done in the vision was done chemically in my brain, the memory is as real as Real can be.
° Life in the end was kind to Norma Desmond.

° Crying you a river, Giac.

Foto: Sogno di Gaudio che in Dolor Svanì--Tarquinia

Jackpot Undeleted (Foto, Julja)

((As a result of an unfortunate altercation between me and the Edit Button, this letter, 18 ottobre mmv, was inadvertently deleted.--Giac.))

Foto: La Ruota della Fortuna

Dear Julja,
° I face an ethical dilemma, one which only instinctive French
gametheory can resolve.
° Leggero, on a whim, gave me a lottery ticket, my very first, and I am terrified that I shall win.
° In the first place, the back of the ticket suggests that everybody will win $599 or less. Well, that won’t purchase the gas to go claim the prize.
° Amounts between $599 and $199,000 may be claimed by mail. So that’s worth a 37cent stamp.
° And though amounts between $199,000 and the jackpot of $340,000,000 must be claimed in person, in Overton, I reckon it would pay to do so.


° The delicate moral question is, Just how much of the jackpot--for I am confident of success--am I to share with Leggero?
° Put another way, Just how little can I share with him and still retain his friendship?
° You see the problem, Zero is such a cold number.


° In fact, it’s only as the prize approaches $100,000 that I become tempted to stinginess. For the interest on that sum equals weekly 90minute Swedish massages for an entire year. So the lucre is capable of producing real value, not just a trinket like a car or a year’s tuition at Alma Mater.
° And it’s only when I see his net worth surpassing mine that I become truly wary. The word “allowance,” with its parental implications, comes to mind.
° But if, as I fear, I win the jackpot, I’ll cheerfully split it straight down the middle, onethird for me, onethird for Leggero, and onethird for the Giac & Leggero Foundation.
° Whose mandate will be to--well, it wouldn’t have a mandate, it’d just be taxfavoured mad money, like Bill & Melinda’s.

° Well that’s a load off, Giac.

giovedì 3 novembre 2005

Village Semain (Lad, Foto)

Foto: della Morte Santissima l'Angelo Blu--Pantheon, Bernini

Dear Lad,
° What an idyllic Hallowe’en! Clear skies, moderate temperature, a school night--I never fed so many trickortreaters in my life. A classic village
° Yet, just a few blocks away, there was an incident.
° Overton man, seventysomething, arrested for DUI and for soliciting a fiveyearold girl with a view towards “kidnapping.”


° The true, nonmedia, nonpolice, version of the story differs richly.
° Siouxsie, who lives not a block from me, was just fixing to go pick up her daughter, who had toured the main street with her playmates, when the phone rang: “There’s a man parked out in front of my house, and he’s been asking every child that passes for ‘help.’”
° Siouxsie burnt rubber. Moments later she was banging on the guy’s window: “What the--((I mean to say, whatever)) are you doing here?”
° He roused, responded in kind, and made as if to get out of the car. “You open that door, I’ll kick you in the ((knees)).”
° He did, Siouxsie did, and as he fell to the pavement, his wallet ((fell out)).
° He had four different id’s. I mean to say, fotoidenticards establishing four separate names for him.
° There was no alcohol on his breath, just woozy stupor.
° And there was a loaded revolver on the seat, and another in his holster.
° And a stash of “drugs.”
° And--well that’s all.
° Village Souxsie 5--Overton Dotard 0.


° And o yes, he’d ruptured his oilpan or fuel line or--don’t ask me, I wouldn’t’ve known even if I’d seen it myself--and Souxsie was standing in, and he wallowing in, a puddle of gasoline.
° Tucked away safely in the idyllic countryside, Giac.

martedì 1 novembre 2005

Poor Souls (Lettye, Foto)

Foto: Della Morte Santissima l'Angelo--Pantheon, Bernini

Dear Lettye,
° None of this ((ecclesiastical fundraising)) in any way affected life at St. Dolores, for she is so very poor the congregation would commence a deathrattle at the first mention of so much as a nickel. So St. Dolores was free to progress to the one great pleasure of the ecclesiastical Autumn.
° Not Halloween, which always falls a little flat liturgically, though folks’d give a pretty to see the Altar draped in black and orange, and candy corn handed out as jujube on the way back from Communion; not Ognisanti itself (though Maury’s reading of the Poulenc g-minor Organconcerto on the neverneurotic Beckerath came as near to catharsis for Holy Cross (("9/11")) as anything was ever like to do), but All Souls, and the consequent monthlong celebration of Sister Death.
° Here ‘twas at last, comfort from Mother Church. Holy Cross comfort. For Fr. Gaffering, after reminding us who the Poor Souls are--for some of us slept through Catechism Class and thought they had to do with Ralph Cramden and The Honeymooners--urged each of us to adopt one as a sort of Afterlife Buddy, whether we rightly knew his name or not. The deal was this, we pray for our (possibly unknown) Buddy all during November, and when we finally get him bumped from Purgation--how times have changed, it seems we are no longer so much as to form the word Purgatory on our lips, so desperate is Mother Church that we not mistake Dante’s monumental artistic Truth for the truth--and then he, or perhaps it might even be a she (for Mother Church, breaking lockstep with certain other religions one could name, considers that Women, too, have souls, like Men, Cats, and certain species of Birds), will, once in Heaven proper, help pray us out of Purgation. So my question was naturally, how many Buddies is enough?
° I could really only think of one, a neighbour whose pastlife was so colourful folks still talk about it after her death (she was the live girl the unruint politician was anecdotally caught in bed with), nor could I suppose that anybody else on Earth would bother to pray for her, for probate had closed on her estate. (Bimeby I bethought me of others, for one can never have too many Buddies.)
° And I still, occasionally, though Semain is long past, implore the Saints to release M----- and J----- and the other P--r S--ls from their Sisyphean efforts. And it will be Hell to pay if they renege on their end of the contract--albeit like God’s contract with the Jews, I can’t exactly produce their attested signatures--later on, in the sweet by and by.
° Almost better, there were specially marked envelopes inviting one to donate unspecified amounts--this is where St. Dolores could learn a lesson from Tex’s Tip Jar, always best to suggest a figure, folks are so easily led--for Altar supplies in exchange for indulgences for any of our family members currently doing time in Purgatory.
° So I slipped in a tendollar bill for Daddy. Now I know you like a book, I know exactly what you are thinking. “Ten dollars, how much relief could ten dollars buy?!” And you are exactly right. As I sealed the flap I thought to myself, at Oxy Wesley I’d automatically have put in a twenty, and at Assumption I’d’ve been mortified to donate less than a fifty (although U.S. Grant taints that denomination mortally). But so it is, the Poor get poorer. Still, if the envelope’d said, Tex’s TipJarily:

100 years’ indulgence, $10
1000 years’ indulgence, $20
10,000 years’ indulgence, $50
Plenary indulgence, $100

well I just bet St. Dolores’s take would’ve skyrocketed. Ask, says Jesus, and ye shall receive. Don’t ask, and be lucky to get a tenspot.
° I didn’t write Daddy’s name on the envelope. I thought it best to let the Virgin Mother of God determine the recipients of the indulgence, like Angel Tree at Christmas. And I did think that all those thousands of folks burnt to death, crushed to death, fallen to death, smothered to death ((in the World Trade Center))--I did think that all those thousands of Poor Souls could’ve used a little indulgence right about now, and I was sincerely grateful to the Roman Church for being the only religious organisation that offered to provide it.
° For yes, as Catechism so truly says, Purgatory is “a consoling and reasonable doctrine.” Reasonable in that it seeks with Thomian ((Aquinas)) tooclevernessbyhalf to make sense of one of the bizarrest passages in all religious literature,

He preached to the souls in stir,

and consoling in that it relieves the average Joe from any concern with Hell at all. Like that refreshing sign in front of the anaBaptist Church north of Polk:

Remember that Christ died to save Sinners,
good ones and bad ones.

I’d like to see Thom Aquinas himself boil that one down into orthodoxy.
° Yet we know what it means. It expresses the Ripleyism that is the true Faith of all average Joe religionists. Hell is for ‘em. Heaven is for ‘Em. Purgatory will suit us just fine. (For polls, indubitable polls, tell us that while nearly all Americans profess a belief in Heaven, only a hardcore bare third retain a functional belief in Hell. So Purgatory must be the stopgap that fills this discrepancy.)
° And it is consoling to think that our unknown Buddies will accidentally pray us into some diminution of the billions upon billions of years we most likely are scheduled for on Monte Purgatorio.
° And it is consoling to think that though we could do nothing for those of our number about to be blown to smithereens, now that they have been, we can be of assistance.
° And it is sad to think what a loss of peace of mind and of reasonable consolation it is to the schismatic and the heretical branches of the Church that they should deny a reasonable and consoling dogma simply because they have not the least shred of evidence that it is true, or even True.
° For Lord knows, that never stops haemorrhoidal folks from embracing loony and deforming doctrines.
° As witness Timmy McVeigh and the Holy Cross Badasses.

° Well anyhow, I say, Tex’s Bach healed me, the Poor Souls consoled me.
° But what comforted me the most was the certainty that if They ever bomb Kosciusko County, They’ll sure be hurting for a target.
° Nor did I ever once hear of an airplane crash, during fiftyfive years of childhood, without at once hearing the Retort of Common Sense: “Well if they hadn’t gone up in it, they wouldn’t’ve gone down with it.” Which is closely kin to the Retort of Sense of a Guinea Hen: “If God’d meant Man to fly . . . .” And certainly if I ever lose my mind to such an extent that I voluntarily set foot on one of those godforsaken unnatural monstrosities--!
° And even the anthrax held no terror for us countryfolk, for from childhood on we’ve inhaled so many dormant spores of every possible strain of that disease from dusty corrals and barns that if we’d been gonna die from it, we’d’ve done so long since. And had we succumbed, we’d’ve been no deader nor no less dead than anybody else in the fullness of time.
° As Francesco so truly said,

Exspecta modicum et videbis.

° Love, Giac.

Excerpted from Piers trinitatis, iii, ((c)) 2004, Meloncord Press.

sabato 15 ottobre 2005

Van Buren? (Foto, Coz)

Foto: Leggero e Lieto--Tarquinia, Tomba del Triclinio, Danzatore (Micky Friedmann?)

Dear Coz,
° You know exactly how free of superstition I am.
° And you know exactly how many U. S. Presidents there have been. No, I don‘t either, but enough to stretch from then till now, with plenty of spares.
° And you know that every village in America that has a townsquare has a Washington, a Jefferson, and a Madison Street. In the North they might could have Lincoln Streets, dunno.
° And you well know that some Presidents are so obscure, a town had to be growing mighty fast, mighty early to need their names.
° So imagine my surprise when I discovered that during the exact same week our beloved Piers and our belovable Leggero both moved onto the exact same obscurePresident street. One in Hephaistionton (the one in Parthenia), the other in Overton.
° It was a sign.


° Only, I already had come to the exact same conclusion, the sign was a month late.

° Ever on my divining toes, your Cousin Giac.

domenica 2 ottobre 2005

Food for Sex (Foto, Lad)

Foto: Sacrum Convivium--Le Catacombe di Santa Priscilla, Fractio Panis

Dear Lad,
° Little Whip has developed into a true gentlecat. This morning a yelloweyed jetblack with tiny white medallion on the inner throat joined him for a meal on the porch. Not a hiss, not a fiss.
° Afterwards Whip raped her (for she was neither crooning nor presenting, that is, was not in heat) repeatedly, intermittently, persistently all the blessed day long. From the East, from the West, from the South, and finally from the North, he never relaxed his jaws’ grip on the back of her throat.
° All in vain, little Whip’s
kama sutrics. For his girlfriend is so immature and tiny that bend as he would, he couldn’t achieve vital contact and still keep her in his bite.
° Intelligent Design.


° If Thomas Aquinas had ever once looked up from his dusty books, he’d’ve imposed less John Roberts style Natural Law sexual silliness on Judaeochristianislamism than he did.

° Ever versatile, Giac.

giovedì 29 settembre 2005

King of Hearts (Foto, Coz)

Foto: Body Language--Basilica San Sebastiano, dettaglio
Caro Cugino Gitano,
° Leggero and I have flirted with the appearance of disagreement.
° He has entirely abandoned human language, that is, as a device that could possibly convey the truth. Instead he focuses on body language: eye contact, armcrossing, hairstroking, angle of body presentation, and the like.
° While I, as you know, have abandoned both words and actions in favour of coffee grounds. (I speak generically. Recently I felt adrift, too much gardening in 99° prehurricane weather I shouldn’t wonder; so I consulted the tarocchi: L’innamorato nel presente, La Temperanza nell’avvenire, La Ruota della Fortuna come consiglio. Res ipsa loquitur.)


° Have you seen the early Hitchcock silent The Ring? God bless Megalomane's dvddrive, I have.
° A gitana, in a reallife
vardo, peeps out the window--just as I would--and sees Mabel accepting an armbangle and the longest deepest precode kiss you ever did see from a man who is not the man she is fixing to marry.
° Later Mabel, joined by the man she is fixing to marry, asks the Gipsy to tell her fortune: a few petty cards topped by the King of Diamonds and the King of Hearts.
° “O, that must mean you’ll win the boxing match and we’ll be married,” she gurgles to her fiancé.
° The gitana gazes at the cards, she gazes at Mabel’s hand hiding the bangle on her right upper arm from the sight of her affidanzato, she recollects the kiss--
° --and she shuts her mouth behind a sardonic smile.
° God bless the old gipsywoman.

° Walking like a bangled Egyptian, Giac.

domenica 25 settembre 2005

It's Not the Size, It's How-- (Foto, Lad)

Foto: Devil Down Below--Basilica San Sebastiano, dettaglio

Dear Lad,
° Yes, big old pusslegutted Katrina snapped two trees that had been half demolished in a windstorm the Summer before. She littered the gardens with so much deadwood, there weren’t enough marshmallows and weenies at BiLo to roast thereon. And she squawled like a banshee.
° But that skiiiiitcchh! and thudddd! a few minutes ago?
° It was delicate little Rita, dislodging a 30pound chimney pot, which sledded down the roof, skipped the gutter, and landed a full 14feet from the house.
° Which was a good thing, ‘cause the kitchen roof mightn’t’ve held.


° How many more weeks does hurricane season last?

° Noted for my gentle touch, Giac.

giovedì 22 settembre 2005

Pin a Medal on the Privates (Foto, Lad)

Foto: Avenging Angel--Basilica San Sebastiano, dettaglio

Dear Lad,
° (So sluggish is our country's legal system, that this post is once again current.)
° I heard on public radio this weekend that Torturegate has pushed even rising gas and ice cream prices out of the minds of the American public.
° For “Torture” makes an arresting headline.
° Yet I thought of the first evidentiary foto I saw, of Private Madonna Sikkem teaching a blackfurred male Iraqi to heel, leash firmly around his neck. (For didn’t we all grow up on that video, of a nude Madonna lapping milk from a saucer?) And my first thought on seeing that foto was, naturally, “That’s what’s come of Clinton’s Don’tAskDon’tTell weaselling, our poor boys and girls in khaki aren’t allowed to watch Queer Eye.” For surely Private Sikkem would’ve known then to wax every last inch of that male’s furry back, tweeze his eyebrows, and peroxide peroxide peroxide. The tan was okay as was.
° But since it was the weekend, religious thoughts entered my head. And I had to say, as I did say to a couple of very large females at Corner Coffee, “Court martial!? They oughta pin the Medal of Honour on that dame. After all, for three thousand years JudaeoChristianIslamists have been stripping women of every last natural right and kennelling them as faithful, serviceable shedogs. So Private Madonna Sikkem’s just engaged the Golden Rule, email the Pope, proclaim her Beata!”
° The two very large females chortled.
° And I got back up off my all fours.
° Seldom the underdog, Giac.
P.S. Situational ethics, Liberation theology--such quaint concepts. And yet it's glorious to slaughter civilians, for the greater good, and inglorious to give an institutionally Established abuser a dose of his own medicine. Such times as we do live in . . . .

domenica 18 settembre 2005

Και (Foto, Julja)

Foto: Platytera ton Ouranon--S. Maria ad Martyres, icona iscritta da San Luca

Dear Julja,
° Pointless, and in these savage days dangerous, to mention Voltaire’s cavils against Judaeochristianislamist foundationalism. The Age of Reason, that is, the Age of Intuitive Observation, has lost its first flush of vigour.
° Yet suppose Earth were explored by little Green Men. Wouldn’t their anthropologists at once deduce (mistakenly, I hasten to add, as Voltaire so wisely would‘ve added) from the teachings and institutional structures of Judaeochristianislamism that it was a system devised by males for the benefit of males? If “devised” does not imply overmuch carefulness.

° So what a pleasure to enter the Temple of the Theotokos during the recent Family Festival in Overton. In the apse, the Mother of God shelters her tenyearold God in her arms. To the right an altar to the Sebastianlike, bound Christ. To the left an altar to the Sleeping, undying Mother of God.
° Parity.
° A sense that God had his eyes open when he founded Judaeochristianislamism.


° In the missal, the original Greek version, universally adopted, of the Nicene Creed.
° The infamous


endless bone of contention with the endlessly contentious Bishop of Rome.
° The nevermentioned

εκ του Πνευματου αγιου και Μαριας παρθενου,

((incarnate)) by ((the agency of)) the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary.
° Not the barbaric Latin filioqueism

de Spiritu Sancto ex Maria Virgine,

((incarnate)) by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary, id est, the action of One upon the Other.
° And so the West consciously--or illiterately--chose to reinstitute the ancient heresy, that

La donna non è gente.

° Ever uncertain whether to prefer Greek or French, Giac.

venerdì 16 settembre 2005


Foto: Il Duomo dei Duomi--Pantheon

Dear Piers,
° Like Boccaccio’s Parisian Jew Abraam, I went questing for the true religion last Saturday.
° At the Haemorrhoid Festival admission was $25, there was a single booth where one threw balls at a largish disk with no other payoff than general laughter at seeing the afflicted homelessperson dunked by one’s skill in cholerawater, and the food tent featured warmedover bits of boiled sheeps’ lung in drammach.
° At the Uncle Thom Festival admission was a fierce asspaddling, but there were EveryKissIsaDollar booths manned by altarboys, some of them as old as eleven or twelve, still zitless, and for sustenance a sort of goulash of gnocchi, Uncle Benjamin’s oatmeal, and one’s choice of Polish sausage or Adolfwurst.
° At the Klingon Festival there was so much blood gushing across the highway from the hundreds of thousands of doves and kids being murdered to celebrate the invention of sharpened steel, the driveway was too slippery to ascend.
° At the Big Brother Festival there were luscious latkes in sourcream. But admission required a visit to the Dickclipping Clinick.
° At the Family Festival there were saganaki, spanakopita, tiropita, dolmades, gyros, mousaka, feta and ripeolive pizza, freshfried New Orleans loukoumades, amygdalota, baklava, diples, flogeres, folitses, kataiffi, koulourakia, kourambiethes, melomakarona, saragli, tsoureki, all washed down with ouzo or retsina or sweetspiced coffee. There were dancers, throbbing music, olive skin, and a crested chicken (head like a basilisk, feet like a hippie poodle’s) to pet.
° Sweet.


° But, providentially, on the way to Leggero‘s, I passed and looked in on the Oz Festival. The Ozzies donned tight nylon shortlets, rolled around in the mud and beat each other blackandblue with a football, then stripped to paleazzure speedoes, rolled up the fabric to bare their asses, and rowed out to the middle of the Millennium Park Lake, where they gave mouthtomouth to each other, then plunged into the duckexcrementrich water and raced to shore.
° It wasn’t as attractive as it sounds, but for $2 I got to pet a kangaroo, for $10 I could’ve sat in its lap and slipped my finger inside its pouch.
° Oz!

° Back in Paris and still unclipped, Giac.

domenica 11 settembre 2005

Undicinove (Foto, Leggero)

Foto: Bittersweet Couch--Le Catacombe di San Sebastiano, cubiculum

Caro mio Leggero,
° It was just like sinking into a cloud.
° But without falling through, plummeting a couple of miles, and going bloodyguts splat on the baked earth below.
° 80sqft of bittersweet orange suede,
° A sofa so selfpossessed, it could furnish an entire 750sqft
Poeroom (“The Philosophy of Furniture”).
° A colour so allpossessing, it could warm up that same room if stonegrey from floor to ceiling.
° Just heaven.


° Though for sure, after I stood up I checked my suit to see if the colour had rubbed off on it.
° Though for sure, the application of sultry Southern sweat to the suede would be bound to transfer the dye.
° Though for sure, wolfhounds’ toenails and mainecoons’ claws couldn’t fail to pierce the tender leather.
° Though for sure, one spilled cup of tea, not to mention less genteel beverages,
would mark its territory forever.
° Just hell to live with.


° So perhaps it was a matter of design that it was selling for eleven-nine. Undicimilanovecento, non undicicentonove.
° With
sales tax that would come to an even, predictive, 13.

° Gasping, but not from stickershock, Giac.

mercoledì 7 settembre 2005

Mixed Messages? (Foto, Coz)

Foto: Le catacombe di Santa Priscilla, Ancora e Croce, Pisces

Dear Coz,
° The other day I was puttering up (so as not to waste $2.50 gas, that was a couple of days before it was $3.00 gas) McLin Hill, and even so I began to overtake an RV towing a diminutive SUV.
° The back of the RV had been painted Celestial Blue, and in the centre was a white Dove, ascending, emitting rays of glory.
° I was entranced. The Goddess of Desire sends a sign.
° And even if it was only the Holy Spirit (predicting the hurricane), I was entranced: Meg Tilly, Agnes of God, parthenogenesis . . . .
° And even if it was only the Dove of Peace, what planet could have more need of her?
° Entranced and ebullient.


° On the wheel cover of the petite SUV’s spare tyre was the rest of the message: a Tasmanian Devil shouting:


° Ah, so it was the Dove of Peace . . . .

° Your affectionate Cousin, Giac.

domenica 4 settembre 2005

Quando Rotolavano i Tempi Buoni (Foto, Julja))

Dear Julja.
° From what plague has New Orleans not suffered at some time or other?
° Typhus, typhoid, yellow fever, cholera, malaria, the French Disease . . . .

° Petrochemicals, radioactive wastes, human wastes, Arkansas chicken wastes, all courtesy of Ol' Man River . . . .

° Tourists, outlanders, furriners, stranieri, barbari, Conans . . . .

° But till yet she has never suffered a greater indignity than being sold into stripmaller slavery in 1803 by a particularly feckless French Gummint. For glass beads and a blanket, near enough.

° Miao in tutte le lingue, Giac.

P. S. If I were savvy I'd upload a file of "Do You Know What It Means to Miss New Orleans?" ca. 1955. Louis Armstrong sings the first verses to a quietly appreciative French audience. Then the combo does an exceedingly lengthy vamp. Bimeby a female voice resumes the verses. Five seconds later, the auditorium explodes with cheers and applause. For nobody knew Billie Holiday had been waiting backstage. Many, perhaps, didn't know she was still alive.

° Well, I'm not savvy. But I could still beg my savvy Cousin Gipsy to do it for me. Only, I can't seem to find the recording in the dark depths of my closet.

martedì 30 agosto 2005

Katrina E' Venuta a Trovarci (Foto, Sandy)

Dear Sandy,
° Hot sticky sweltering steamy sultry threebathaday Summers, like New Orleans without the beignets.
° Droughty dusty brownedged thriftless Summers, like Tuscany without the olives.
° Bonechilling icecrusted snowless bitter Winters, like Hell after the power was shut off.
° Spotty fever ticks, tartytongued vipers, tornadoes four seasons a year, like Kansas without Technicolour munchkins.
° The New Madrid fault just itching to rip open the Earth and drain the entire Mississippi into the Yangtze.
° Say what you like about our climate, from childhood on we were secure in one article of faith, to wit:

At least we don’t have hurricanes.

° Then howcome at 4 this morning I was awakened by rain blowing in ten feet across the porch and into my bedroom onto my face and pillow? With twigs, branches, trunks snapping like matchsticks? With the sound of somebody’s tin roof clattering down the pavement?
° Katrina, what a blow she was!


° Not but one thing to do about it. Senator Prissst and his minions, fresh off their Pyrrhic triumph over Death Most Holy (the Terry Schiavo affair), must pass a law against hurricanes.
° Childlike truths must remain sanctified.

° Swimming in my own element, Giac.

domenica 28 agosto 2005

Ave atque Vale (Foto, Lettye)

in festo ss. trinitatis, ad assumptionem
Dear Lettye,
Ah, that Rhapsody. In D-flat major, cognate key to the one Bach himself couldn’t compose in, indeed I wonder if he could even play it; I can think of a total of a baker’s dozen of measures that Couperin, Mozart, and Haydn cursed with all those sharps, and boy did they ever strip down the textures for safety’s sake. But Piers just glides through, even more slickly than the first time I heard him play it. Midway through there’s a registration, during the buildup, that “splits”, one can hear the octave magadising with the foundation, probably unavoidable. The conclusion grand enough for a basilica.
Bastien is lost in wonder and contemplation.
No, Bastien is simply lost en route to Mass this morning. I used to think he avoided Andrew’s voluntaries, and gave him full credit for his loyalty. But no--though perhaps he’s heard it rehearsed and rehearsed and rehearsed.
At least he’d have the decency not to mention those couple of measures of magadising.
I wonder if it is nervewracking to know that someone is listening so attentively, even if always listening only for confirmation of the player’s prowess?

“Reach me down that there box of shells, Aunt Tacky, the rhinoceros are loose in the back room!”
But it was no such thing. A surreptitious glance at the new stoplist confirms that when Piers swooped down on that HolyHolyHoly phrase so commandingly that first time, ‘twas not the Aeolian-Skinner Rinoceronte en chamade he employed, but rather the new digital 16foot Hippoposthumos straziato. So that the alarm one naturally felt at first hearing was translated into tender compassion for the suffering of the Attislike, callow steer.
During the Sequence I observe that Piers makes an error of taste. Just at the moment when the text turns Incarnationy, redolent with shepherds’ bagpipes and drones, he underlines the phrase with one of the multiple trumpets currently at his disposal.
Though perhaps it would have been a little tedious to reduce all the verse so that the new digital 8foot Corno di Copia could whine plaintively during the Xmasy phrase.
And it was the only quibble I had with his entire serviceplaying that Sunday, so perhaps it wasn’t up to much, as quibbles go.
Love, Giac.
((Excerpt from Piers trinitatis i, "Smudging"))

venerdì 5 agosto 2005

Urbi et Orbi (Foto)

Suor Angelica a sua zia Principessa:

Mio figlio! Mio figlio, il figlio mio!
Figlio mio!
La creatura che mi fu, mi fu strappata!
Creatura mia! Creatura mia lontana!
. . .
Parlatemi di lui!
Giac Urbi et Orbi:
Perchè tacete?
Perchè? perchè?

lunedì 1 agosto 2005

Pietas Moram (Foto, Piers)

Dear Deliciae Meae Lepores Mei Piers,
° Visit Netflix now, Desk Set.

BY the SHORES of GITCHe GUmee, BY the SHIning BIG-Sea-WAter
STOOD the WIGwam OF NoKOmis, DAUGHter OF the MOON, NaKOmis . . . .

° Thus Katharine Hepburn makes Hiawatha sing his singsong. An etude in iambic octameter.
° Of course, we hope that Longfellow intended the much less ludicrous

By the SHORES of GITCHe GUmee, by the SHIning BIG-Sea-WAter
STOOD the WIGwam of NaKOmis, DAUGHter of the MOON, NaKOmis . . . .

An experiment in dactyloanapestiferous trimeter, irresistibly subverted by the drumbeat ictus of the English language itself.


° Pietas moram.
° One day our professor, having just reread the complete practical works of the Marquis de Sade, decided we students should prepare and memorise and recite publickly some Latin verse. I reckon it was Horace, for I don’t believe Catullus was the type to use the word pietas.
° I didn’t do the worst of the lot; in fact, with a musical background, I did the best. Not bragging nor nothing.
° But my friend Becca did, by unanimous judgement, do the worst. (She was a genetic monotone, like the Music Stander in Les Choristes.)
° The first part of her recitation went badly enough, but then she concluded, in Hiawathan singsong,

. . . pieTAZZ moRAM,

and the entire class, instinctively channelling Mons de Sade’s teachings, just guffawed. It really hurt her feelings. So we guffawed some more.
° I plainly see you don’t get the joke. Becca had ought to have said,

pieTAS moRAM.

That is, a fifthtone (one guesses) higher on the accented syllables, and the GREEKLONG syllables (with long vowels or concluded by double consonants) held twice as long as the greekshort ones.
° Or to you, Choirmaster that you are, ictus and QUARTERNOTES and eighthnotes. ((Ever mindful that our English ictus is largely a matter of volume, the Latin ictus, perhaps, was largely a matter of pitch.))


° Is “Isabel” an anapaest or a dactyl?
° Poe calls it a dactyl, because the ictus is definitely on the “Is.” Isabel.
° Or is it an anapaest, because the English speaker rushes over the first two syllables, and rests on the “bel”?
° IsaBEL.


° As I mentioned to you, my Christmas CD of Orff’s Catulli Carmina (Act Two of the Ludus Scenicus beginning with Carmina Burana) is filled out with the, to me, completely unknown Trionfo di Afrodite (Act Three). Apart from a few snippets from Sappho, Sophocles, and Euripides, the entire text of Trionfo comes from Catullus’s epithalamia, 61 and 62.
Splendidly pagan as he is, Orff does not entirely resist--it is not just the fault of the singers--

pieTAZZ moRAM.

Teutonic Hiawathan commonmetrepsalter singsong.


° But Giac can resist.
° Look at Orff’s setting of the “
contents execrable” Song 32.

A ma bo, me a dul cis Ip si thil la,
Me ae de li ci ae, me i le po res . . . .

Plainsong, even “eighth notes,” a natural singable accent falling three or four to the line. So near and yet so far.
° But look at Giac’s riff on Orff’s setting:

a MA BO, me a DUL cis IP si THIL la,
me AE DE li ci AE, me I le PO res,
iu B(E)AD TE ve ni AM me RI di A tum.

For, you see, the melody must be rejiggered, line by line, to make natural to the singer the melodic Latin ictus and the metric Greek syllablelength.
° Just as, last Holy Week, there were only two genteel solutions to Rockingham’s

When I survey the wondrous Cross
Where the young Prince of Glory died . . . .

((Either “Where the” goes onto upbeat eighths and “young“ gets a measure to itself, or “Where the young” makes a full measure of even quarternotes))

° And yet, for how many generations did congregations, meek as tinearred lambs, sing

Where the young Prince of Glory died . . . ?

For the waltz tune induced the pieTAZZ moRAM.


° What if you, Piers, took a glimpse at the ancient GrecoRoman metres? What if your sortieimprovs connected with the civilised lyreaccompanied songs of two millennia ago? What if you outCameroned Cameron with the Orffic splendour of a cockeyed beat?
° Phalaecean Suite in c-sharp major, di M. Piers Bellow.

° Fixing to dine, Giac.

P. S. Miao! NAM PRANSUS iace(O)ET saTUR suPInus/ PERTUNDO tuniCAMque PALliUMque.

Nota bene: For a distressingly deep discussion of metres, try Edgar Allan Poe’s The Rationale of Verse, but don’t forget your Beowulf. Assumption’s Anglican chant will never be the same again . . . .

lunedì 25 luglio 2005

Horses and Ass (Foto, Piers)

Dear Piers,
° The other day I sat out the green arrow at an intersection, for I wished to defer to a cavalcade of three equines crossing.
° A big white gelding, draped in redwhitebluestriped blanket, led the parade, well isn’t that always the way.
° There followed a bigassed black mare, bearing a magickmarked posterboard placard: The Commandments.
° Prudent. I mean, not to waste ink on the word Ten. For all but one have been radically revoked.

Non habebis deos alienos--abrogated in the name of circling the wagons after 9/11 by the late, not yet sufficiently sanctified, Bishop of West Rome.
Non facies tibi sculptile--why Moyses himself worshipped a Serpent!
Non assumes nomen Domini Dei tui in vanum--Eric Cartman, 1990’s.
Memento ut diem sabbati sanctifices--cancelled by God, 33 A.D., and by the Church four centuries later.
Honora patrem tuum--or he’ll beat the crap out of yez.
Non occides--why Moyses himself occidised!
Non moechaberis--Billy Jeff Clinton, 1990’s, for sometimes a cigar’s just a cigar.
Non furtum facies--Enron‘s shareholders, following the teachings of Che Guevara, for how can you steal something from somebody who didn’t own it in the first place?
Non loqueris contra proximum tuum falsum testimonium--Johnny Cochran, if the glove don’t fit, you must acquit.
Non concupisces domum proximi tui--for the bank owns more of it than he does.

As for uxorem, servum, ancillam, bovem et asinum, can’t say for sure. The ink was blurred with horsefroth.


° And the Ass? Grizzled grey, sweaty and galled, astride the big white gelding.

° At your command, Giac.

domenica 17 luglio 2005

Panama and the Prostitute (Foto, Lad)

Dear Lad,
° The other day, a cool and pleasant morning barely into the 80’s, I went calling for Panama, to give her a snack. (“Her,“ although ever since you distracted her so that I could briefly peer aft, I have had little doubt why she hasn‘t come in heat these last six months.) She came running from behind Bouvier Hall the moment she heard my foodpromising voice.
° What a lovefest, for I hadn’t stroked her in two weeks.
° She followed me into Assumption‘s garden, I spread kitty
numnums on the brick sidewalk, then settled onto a teak bench to read the Statesnamean. Chockful of chipmunk, Panama ate a few bites to please me, then flopped full length onto the warming bricks for a nap.

° I hadn’t gotten past Doonesbury, banished to the editorial page by the brownshirts a decade ago, before we were joined by Lena. Panama glanced at her, then dozed on.
° Lena, forty looking thirty, was dressed very conservatively, I noticed, and really only her stilettos, her redbleached jerricurled hair, and mauve and skyblue twotoned eyeshadow could’ve given the faintest clue as to her profession. She sat in the bench adjoining, smiled her toothless smile--actually, only the top four front teeth and two of the lowers are out, but the general impression is of toothlessness.
° “Are you a member here?” she asked. She had forgotten our previous encounter.
° “O, do you live nearby then?” She had forgotten that too.
° “So you live up to Overton?” Wrong again.
° “Is that your cat? I love cats. I just might take me some big black cat home with me,” she purred in Panama’s general direction. Though Lena was looking at me--I mean looking deep into my eyes, then south, then back into the eyes again, very competently done I may say--when she said it.
° I was a little alarmed. For Panama’s sake.

° But what did Panama do, la brava?
° She roused, sniffed the air, smelt something fishy perhaps, and began to junglecat stride toward Lena. I felt jealous.
° But you know what?
° The minute Panama got five feet away from her, Lena suddenly overcame her love of big black cats, leapt to her feet, and blurted out,
° “Well I reckon I be off now.” And so she did be, alla breve.
° Panama purred, unless it was a soft growl, then stretched fulllength on the snoozy, warming brick, curled her toes, dozed and dreamed.

° Pleasant dreams, Giac.

domenica 10 luglio 2005

Susan Sought Desperately (Lad)

Dear Lad,
° Have you ever tried to write a personal ad? One, I mean, without antlers?
° I’ve been trying off and on ever since Madonna was
Desperately Sought as Susan. But I have failed so consistently, I almost begin to doubt my method. For though I can list several thousand things I like, I can’t successfully boil them down into an attractive appetizer.
° Blogger profiles seemed a breakthrough. Giac’s personal ad:

Io: mi piace The Bride Wore Black.
Tu: ti piace, uh, ti piace, uh--o Rats!


° But if I’m like the shoemaker’s children, I’m still a shoemaker.
° And Leggero’s personal (la sua foto, coi capelli matti, si vede oltre) is simple as pie:

Io: sono Leggero.
Tu: vuoi vivere felice.

O almeno contento e beato.


° Not that it’ll do him the least bit of good. For folks want to be popular, or rich, or important, or powerful, or goodlooking, or brilliant, or famous, or . . . .
° Nessuno, sembra, vuole vivere contento.

° Beato, Benedetto nonostante, Giac.

domenica 26 giugno 2005

Leggero Does It Right (Foto, Julja)

Posted by Hello
Dear Julja,
° Who says reading History, all bloodandgutsy and celebritymad, is a waste of time?
° (Well of course Victor Hugo does, says the only true history of humanity is the history of ideas; and just about anybody who ever read Suetonius after reading Tacitus must’ve concluded that there were two entirely discrete Roman Empires coexisting temporally and spatially; while even the dullest dullard must realise that his own morning coffee and sweetbuttered brioche with raspberry preserves holds more meaning than all the Hitlers all the Robespierres all the Inquisitors all the Prophets Priests Kings and Paris Hiltons that ever were said to have lived.)

° And yet they’re all wrong.
° For the other day, as I was putting cosmetic colouring into my history of the McLey family, I came across a recipe for what surely must be the first cocktail ever mixed, nearly a century before the Roaring Twenties.
° The vampirism of old recipes, just thirsting for resurrection . . . .

° I nabbed Leggero and Greco--he no longer looks like Steve Reeves, he only looks as Steve Reeves would’ve looked had he too shaved off his facefur--before the Saturday crush began.
° I dazed them with a learned lecture upon “rectified whisky,” “common whisky,” and “burst-head.” What really dazed them were the 1837 prices: $.40 a gallon for aged rectified, $.36 a gallon for common singling, $.20 a gallon for rotgut shipped down from Cincinnati, for distribution by candidates on Election Day, no wonder folks voted more often back then.
° I myself was dazed by the fact that everything but the loaf sugar used to be produced locally.
° One or two substitutions had to be improvised, and only the rectified whisky is still local, that and the mint, but the two lads attacked the project with the attentiveness of chemistry students warned of the effects of phosphorous. Greco raided the kitchen for simple syrup, Leggero ripped apart the mint and added the ingredients in decent order, then clapped a tumbler over the tumbler, shook, poured.
° It foamed over, for very joy at being reborn after almost two centuries of dusty oblivion. A garnish of whole mint and, ecco!

Leggero’s Rectifier

2 fingers loaf sugar syrup
1 finger peach brandy
1 finger apple brandy
1 finger cherry cordial
2 fingers rectified corn whisky


Broken ice

Shake and pour.


° “Rectifier?”
° Yes, because after only two sips, your world‘s as right as Rousseau‘s.

° Cordially mentholated, Giac.

P. S. Simple syrup, peach brandy, apple brandy, cherry cordial, rectified whisky. A historically correct substitute for peach or apple is grape brandy, my own McLey great great grandfather distilled it just north of Overton at his vineyard.

domenica 19 giugno 2005

Contents Execrable, Part I (Foto, Lad)

Posted by Hello
Dear Lad,
° I was humming Carl Orff’s setting of

Amabo, mea dulcis Ipsithilla, . . .

with a view toward improving same. Or, at least, riffing it into a more authentic metre.
° I thumbed through the text of the Catulli Carmina.
° All the way through.
° Nothing, no Ipsithilla at all.
° Then I eliminated the epithalamia and epyllion, and rethumbed.
° Nothing.
° Then I eliminated the epigrams.
° Nothing.
° Finally I opened my eyes and observed that Carmen vii followed immediately upon Carmen v.
° Aha! My 1961, Oxford University Press published edition of the poems of the most justly celebrated of all Rome’s poets had been bowdlerised.
° Censored!
° In 1961.
° Under the aegis of Oxford University Press.

° So I thought it might be worthwhile to remind ye young tigers how very wicked and dishonest were the Good Old Days. (For a return to the Good Old Days is the subtext of all the proCensorship resolutions currently before so many Redneck Legislatures).

° First, what did the 1961 Censor--”Editor” in his own mind--think fit to expurgate? ((Unbeknown to him, I also possess the 1958 Oxford University Press urtext, yes, just three years earlier.))

VI--Ad Flavium

uerum nescio quid febriculosi
scorti diligis: hoc pudet fateri . . . .
. . . . cur? non tam latera ecfututa pandas . . . .

((diseased whore; all the verbs based on futuere, fututum require only the insertion of a ck into the first syllable to translate themselves for an English reader, Italians need only a vowel shift))

XV--Ad Aurelium

((Peto ut)) conserues puerum mihi pudice,
non dico a populo--nihil ueremur
istos, qui in platea modo huc modo illuc
in re praetereunt sua occupati,--
uerum a te metuo tuoque pene
infesto pueris bonis malisque . . . .

((the inclusion of boy, that is, unfurry male youth, and Aurelius’s penis in the same sentence explains all))

XVI--Ad Aurelium

Pedicabo ego uos et irrumabo,
Aureli pathice et cinaede Furi, . . .

((Latin, unlike our own puritanical tongue, had verbs for being the oraltop, the analtop; like our own puritanical tongue, it had abundance of adjectives for effeminatebottompansyassedpooftersissyboyfaggot))


((These fragments are nonCatullan immigrants))

XXI--Ad Aurelium

Aureli, pater esuritionum,
non harum modo, sed quot aut fuerunt
aut sunt aut aliis erunt in annis,
pedicare cupis meos amores . . . .

((for one who trained a youth to be pedicated might well be said to be teaching him to be thirsty))

XXV--Ad Tallum

Cinaede Thalle, mollior cuniculi capillo
uel anseris medullula vel imula oricilla
uel pene languido senis situque araneoso . . . .

((a treasure trove of insulting references to the things a pansyassedbottom can be said to be softer than: bunnyfur (coniglio), goosedown, bonemarrow, an old man’s unviagraed penis, a cobweb . . . .))

XXVIII--Ad Verranium et Fabullum

. . . . o Memmi, bene me ac diu supinum
tota ista trabe lentus irrumasti.
sed, quantum uideo, pari fuistis
casu: nam nihilo minore uerpa
farti estis . . . .

((cf. Merrill’s unbeatable translation, “You have most scurvily abused me.” Memmius, you may have irrumared me with your “beam,” but it looks like somebody else has stuffed you full with a--well, a verpus is a circumcised male, therefore a wogsubject of a subjugated nation out East somewhere))

End of Part I, Contents Execrable

Contents Execrable, Part II (Foto, Lad)

Posted by Hello
Contents Execrable, Part II

XXXII--Ad Ipsitillam

. . . .
nam pransus iaceo et satur supinus
pertundo tunicamque palliumque.

((postprandial, dopo il pranzo, (ad)jacent, giacere, sated, saziato, borethrough, pertugio, tunic))

XXXIII--Ad Ipsitillam (but not really)

. . . . quandoquidem patris rapinae
notae sunt populo, et natis pilosas,
fili, non potes asse uenditare.

((you couldn’t sell a certain hairy portion of your posterior for a red cent; a preceding line gives birth to the Italian taunt “fanculo”))

XXXVII--Ad contubernales, Ad Ignatium

. . . .
solis putatis esse mentulas uobis,
solis licere, quidquid est puellarum,
confutuere et putare ceteros hircos?
. . . .
Egnati, opaca quem bonum facit barba
et dens Hibera defricatus urina.

((yet another word for peckers; a reference to a popular Spanish dentifrice, the principal bleaching agent known to the Romans))


Mellitos oculos tuos, Iuuenti,
si quis me sinat usque basiare,
usque ad milia basiem trecenta
. . . .

((miele, honeysweet eyes; how many kisses applied; the expurgation arises from the sex of the owner of the eyes . . . .))

LIV--De Octonis capite

Othonis caput oppido est pusillum,
?? ?? rustice semilauta crura,
subtile et leue peditum Libonis,
. . . .

((a garbled attack on Julius Caesar, semilavato leg))

LVI--Ad Catonem

. . . .
deprendi modo pupulum puellae
trusantem; hunc ego, si placet Dionae,
protelo rigida mea cecidi.

((how to deal with a little boy messing with your girlfriend))

LVII--Ad Catonem

Pulcre conuenit improbis cinaedis,
Mamurrae pathicoque Caesarique.
. . . .
morbosi pariter, gemelli utrique,
uno in lecticulo erudituli ambo,
non hic quam ille magis uorax adulter,
riuales socii puellularum.

((trotting out all the pansyassedpoofterwords against Caesar, and adding adulter to the list)

LIX--In Rufum

Bononiensis Rufa Rufulum fellat,
. . . .

((at last, fellatio rears its pretty head, with a soupçon of incest))

LXVII--Ad Ortalem

. . . .
‘Primum igitur, uirgo quod fertur tradita nobis,
falsum est. non illam uir prior attigerit,
languidior tenera cui pendens sicula beta
numquam se mediam sustulit ad tunicam;
sed pater illius gnati uiolasse cubile
dicitur et miseram conscelerasse domum
. . . .

((yet another common winter vegetable that a man’s “dagger” can be limper than; major league incest, that is, inhouse child sexual abuse))

LXIX--In Rufum

Noli admirari, quare tibi femina nulla,
. . . .
laedit te quaedam mala fabula, qua tibi fertur,
ualle sub alarum trux habitare caper.
. . . .

((Right Guard applied to this area would banish the fragrance of billygoat))

LXXI--In Rufum

. . . .
nam quotiens futuit, totiens ulciscitur ambos:
illam affligit odore, ipse perit podagra.

((Latin’s most useful verb again; his odour murders her, his gout murders him))

End of Part II, Contents Execrable