Dear Piers,
° Time was, the people of Alexandria used to riot and burnbabyburn whenever a Cat, sacred to Bastet, was so much as accidentally murdered by a cart wheel.
° Time is, the people of Afghanistan are rioting and burningbabyburning because a printed copy of a religious text was flushed into the waters off the coast of Cuba.
° Time shall be always, that our Rulers will suspend all serious legislation in favour of the AntiFlagBurning Amendment, at the least mention of a thread of tricoloured cotton going up in smoke.
° And yet, only the little Cat bled.
° Timelessly timetravelling, Giac.
2 commenti:
Come mai hai scelto di pubblicare un blog in inglese, e non in italiano?
E' quasi impossibile tradurre il mio inglese. Mi piace molto il 'wordplay,' il giuoco colle parole. Ecco 'burnbabyburn' come verbo.Letteralmente, 'brucia,bimbo,brucia,' il grido delle Pantere Nere dei Sessanta. E, perciò, usato qui per significare la distruzione (per sfortuna) di un gatto domestico egiziano.
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